I couldn’t get along with him during the second emperor’s period, and I couldn’t hate him many times.

But the situation is better than others, and there is no more suitable candidate than him.
The new emperor smiled and said, "It’s all a misunderstanding. It’s good to say it now. Hou Xianhuang in purple clothes treats you well."
What makes people angry that they don’t have anything?
Purple clothes Hou disdained to show his face and frowned. "The first emperor finally demoted me."
The new emperor didn’t expect him to be so sincere, but he strengthened his mind. "That’s because his old man’s house wants to leave me a pillar. I’m all white."
"…" Purple clothes Hou corners of the mouth straight smoke can also explain this?
The new emperor said that he tried his best. "I know that you have always been the most loyal, and now I have been assassinated. You have to help me."
Purple clothes Hou sighed softly. "How do you want me to help?"
The new emperor was overjoyed to see him loose. "First, help me detoxify and collect something from the outside and send it to the palace."
He no longer believes in the imperial doctor, and he feels that many people have a Lord behind them.
Besides, those doctors are too slick to tell the truth.
Purple clothes Hou nodded without hesitation "I try my best"
The new emperor was delighted. "Second, help me keep an eye on those old deathlessly. Let me know if there is any trouble, and I can get rid of it when necessary …"
Purple clothes Hou copper painting looked up and was shocked. "I don’t have the strength or that. I am alone and there are many people on the other side."
It seems that the new emperor is taking the road and there is no better way.
The new emperor bit his teeth. "I will give you strength."
Find a way to clean up the purple clothes first, except those who are old and deathless. Take your time.
It’s better to lose both sides and not do anything else.
He blinked, and the eunuch took out a token from the bottom of his pillow and handed it to Purple Clothes Hou.
Purple clothes Hou froze. "What is this?"
The new emperor’s sincerity is also quite a spell. "This is the dragon’s command of the dark guard. You will ask for information to the dark guard and ask for help to find the dark guard."
In order to be impeded, he is blood, and he is unwilling to look at the dragon to make him feel distressed.
But he told himself that he couldn’t hold the wolf if he couldn’t bear the child!
Besides, even if the dragon order is not in his hand, will those dark guards dare not listen to him?
Purple clothes Hou has a feeling of vomiting blood. How can the first emperor not be stupid to give birth to such a … smart son?
He solemnly refused that "the emperor dare not take this as your amulet"
Huang Da is sitting quietly trying to get rid of those old ministers by his hand, and he knows it in his heart.
The more he refused the new emperor, the more determined he was. "I’m about to be killed by those disorderly ministers, and you will help me regardless of purple clothes, right?"
Purple clothes Hou frowned slightly. "I’d like to help you, but …"
Chapter 117 This road is mine
The emperor’s face became extremely unhappy. "If you have something to say, just say it."
He is so sincere and doesn’t want to help him?
Purple clothes Hou glanced at him faintly. The emperor was the most angry creature. "Who is the commander of the imperial army now?"
Huang leng "is my cousin"
When this was said, he suddenly realized that he had not withdrawn the Nangong Hanxi people.
The position of imperial commander is too important to be handed over to others.
Purple clothes Hou Cu frowned. "Nangong Shi is naturally the most loyal, but his hands are hard to say. After all, people still have to put their own people in the belly."
This is the emperor’s heart, and his eyes are smiling. "This is a good saying. Do you recommend it?"
Purple clothes hou with a wave ourtenant way "the emperor who believes most let who go to the town"
Seeing that he insisted on refusing to get involved, the emperor had a good impression on him, and it was sensible to know how to advance and retreat.
He pondered over his men for a long time but failed to come up with a suitable candidate.
He has no one!
Purple clothes Hou waited for half a ring and didn’t see any echo. It’s a little strange. "What’s the matter? Is it difficult for the emperor? "
The emperor turned several thoughts in his heart. "I trust Mr. Yu the most. I can’t let him go."
He can’t do anything like this now. He must have a few believers around him.
Purple clothes Hou said bluntly, "Mr. Yu is loyal, but his identity is a bit overwhelming."
It’s not just a little family roots, okay?
It’s enough to be a wise brain, but it’s the law to be the leader of the imperial army
The new emperor’s eyes flashed. "Is there a suitable candidate for Ziyihou?"
To his surprise, purple clothes Hou shook his head directly. "You’d better choose it yourself if you don’t have a good eye."
The emperor froze and gawk at his half ring.
After he left, the emperor was still in the middle of becoming speechless, and a man came out with an unpredictable expression.
The emperor looked back and saw him. "You can rest assured now, Mr. Yu. Purple clothes have no selfishness."
Everyone heard the test just now, and there is no problem.
Mr. Yu frowned slightly, but soon let go. "It should be no problem for me to be too oversensitive and loyal to him."
He hesitated, "but it is necessary to guard against people’s hearts."
"Rest assured" The new emperor is very defensive. If he doesn’t believe in people, he will naturally send someone to stare at the purple clothes.
It’s better to walk around thousands of miles away with a group of people.
Wandering around, seeing the scenery, tasting the food, breathing differently, feeling good
A few girls are also excited. "Wow, this scenery is so beautiful. It’s not the same as our God bless."
Ji Yue said lightly, "Since I’m here in the State of Qin, I don’t want God bless you."
A few people glance at each other in a foreign country or keep a low profile "yes"
Ji Yue wore Qin gauze clothes, and her hair was scattered on her shoulders, lazy and elegant, and her white cheeks were suffocating like a layer of light.
Suddenly, the carriage gave a meal, and the teacup in her hand quickly drew an arc.
She looked at the semi-wet clothes and frowned slightly. "What’s the matter?"

I was silent. Yang Xun seemed to come to the bar to meet him, but I didn’t see her get up and leave. I followed her out at the bar. I said to her, "Aren’t you a little cruel like that?"

"Brother Lei Haoge will always become impossible to face the present life as usual, because I am so good to me and him."
After saying this, Yang Xun left directly by taxi, but I was worried about smoking in the street lamp next to me until the bar closed.
When I got back to my residence, Yan Jiaxin was already asleep. I didn’t disturb her, but relaxed myself and fell asleep in bed.
Chapter 14 Sorrow
The next day, Yan Jiaxian got up in one step and cooked breakfast for me for the first time.
"Come back late last night." She took off her apron and sat down in the chair.
I also sat in the chair and stretched myself and replied, "Well, it was quite late. You were asleep when I came back."
"Do you have time today? I’m going to take wedding photos with Yang Xun. Come with us in the afternoon if you have time."
I nodded, picked up the milk, drank it and asked, "Can’t Gu Zhengfan come over?"
"He is expected to wait for a while. I heard that he has gone outside. You may not know that he has taken over the Treasury now."
"Is Grain Rain helping him?"
"Well, the financial personnel are generally Grain Rain’s life, but when he got the support of Yanghui, forget it. I’ll go shopping with Kaori girl first. Remember to come early and have a surprise."
I hugged Yan Jiaxin for one morning, then I changed my shoes and left home. After breakfast, I changed my clothes and went out.
This time, I went to the Institute of Technology and launched a single issue. It took me about half an hour to get a message from Tang Si, "Lei Haoge Yuan You hasn’t come to the store yet, and I can’t get through if I call him. I’m really afraid that he will do something stupid, and it’s my fault that I shouldn’t have quarreled with him yesterday."
In the words, Tang Si was crying, and I quickly comforted her. "Don’t worry, Tang Si, you can call Yuan You again. I’ll come over immediately and I’ll accompany you to find him."
I hung up and went out by bus. An hour later, I finally came to the lavender sweet shop. As soon as I entered, I saw Downs sitting in a chair sadly. I quickly stepped forward and asked, "Haven’t you got through yet?"
Downs shook his head and looked at me in despair. I patted her and pulled her up and said, "Come on, I’ll take you to him."
Tang Si refused to follow me for a long time, but looked at me in the same place and said, "Brother Leihao, please tell me everything. I really don’t want to live like an idiot. I beg you."
In the face of Downs’ pleading, I struggled in my mind for a long time. I don’t know whether I should tell her anything, but in the face of her pity now, I really can’t bear to deceive and hide this girl.
After a while, I finally said after repeated thinking, "Come with me and find him and let him tell you everything instead of me telling you. Believe me, I will find him."
Tang Si finally followed me to action. We walked for an afternoon. This afternoon, I followed Tang Si to all the places I could go. It was Yuan You’s house, and we both turned over the bottom.
It’s almost noon, and Downs is desperate again, and my head is about to explode, because we really don’t know where to look for him. He looked up and found a building around us, and the Ferris wheel was spinning in a limited way, which gave me an impetus to look for it again.
Unfinished amusement park
I immediately got up, grabbed Downs’ shoulder and said firmly again, "Let’s go. I know where he is. He should be there."
My words seemed to give Downs a little light in despair. She nodded at me, and the two of us once again set foot on the road to find Yuan You.
Finally, the two of us came here, the unfinished amusement park. For the first time, I knew this amusement park so clearly during the day.
At the gate of the amusement park, Downs asked me, "Brother Lei Haoge, are you sure he will really be in this shabby amusement park?"
"Yes, he should be here. Let’s go in."
Perhaps it was just a conscious discovery that made me think that Yuan You must be here and will be on the Ferris wheel.
I ran quickly and came to the Ferris wheel. In this cabin at the bottom, I saw Yuan You. He was in such a mess and there were a lot of wine bottles around him. At the moment, he looked and looked. I can really imagine where he went last night. After his hair and clothes were messy, he looked like a beggar in the street.
He was not too surprised by my arrival, but slowly sat up from his seat and followed me out.
See Yuan You out Tang Si without thoughts immediately came running to embrace Yuan You.
Yuan You immediately pushed her to say "why are you here" in a slightly indifferent tone.
"Because I think I panicked when you saw that you weren’t there, Yuan You, don’t go, okay? It’s my fault. I shouldn’t quarrel with you. Don’t go again, okay?"
I also echoed "Let’s go back first"
Yuan you looked at me with a heavy face. What should I say? Follow us out of here.
All the way to talk about what Tang Si said to Yuan You, Yuan You didn’t answer until he returned to the sweet shop and sat in the chair. Yuan You said, "Tang Si, let’s break up."
Tang Si can’t believe that looking at Yuan You’s expression choked. "Yuan You lied to me, right? You must have lied to me, right?"
I immediately calmed down and was a little excited. After Tang Siran, I solemnly asked Yuan You again, "Yuan You, are you kidding? Don’t scare Tang Si, okay?"
"I’m not kidding. Do you think I’m joking?"
Yuan You is in a mess, but his expression is so serious. His eyes are definitely not like telling lies, but so serious.
Tang Si asked Yuan You again, "Can you tell me the reason, Yuan You?"
"I like it. No matter how hard I try to think about it, I just like you. I’m sorry. Let’s break up."
Downs smiled bitterly and laughed so sadly that it was this sadness that made me feel that she was like a poor bird-a bird that couldn’t get a heart in her feelings.
"Who is she? Where is she? Tell me who she is."
Being dragged by Tang Si, Yuan You finally said the two names that Tang Si couldn’t believe, "Yang Xun"
Downs left the sweet shop with sad tears. Her departure made me feel that she should never come back here again, to return to this sad feeling.
Looking at my invitation on the table, Yuan You said again, "Let’s go, let’s go."
I was a little annoyed. I went to Yuan You’s side and caught him with a pair of indifference. I grabbed him by the collar and said, "Can you stop doing this to yourself and the people around you? Don’t you really care if Downs is good to you? Why should you treat her like this? Since you don’t like her, why should you definitely accept it at the beginning? What do you want to give her hope and then disappoint her?"
I punched Yuan You, and this punch directly hit him in the low.
Chapter 15 End
I really feel sorry for Yang Xun and Tang Si, and I feel sorry for him. He not only gave them hope, but also gave them the most painful disappointment. If he had not chosen to appear at the beginning but lived quietly as Yuan You, then they should all be dull and happy. Even with regrets, it is an insignificant little sand in life that will disappear when washed by the big waves of life, and it will not make everyone so unhappy as it is now.
I don’t understand why Yuan You made such a choice and wronged himself and others. This hurt not only himself but also the people who loved him.
I finally lit a cigarette and asked him, "What on earth do you think? Can you tell me? If you really can’t let the sun shine, just follow me and I’ll take you to see her in the afternoon."
"If I don’t go, it will be over long ago. Everything is over." Yuan You sat on the ground and said that he didn’t want to follow me.
I scolded him once again, "Don’t let me look down on you, okay? Why should men be so cowardly? Why should they choose to escape like this? Don’t force themselves to come. I don’t want to interfere in your affairs, but I really want to ask you what you really want when Tang Si sees Yang Xun so sad."
"When I say it’s over, it’s over, and I’m sure it’s over. On the surface, I’m done with her. And she’s getting married. I can’t delay her any longer. I can’t let her grieve for me again."
"But you’ve made her sad. Do you know that she came to the bar specially last night? She didn’t come to see me, she came to see you. When she learned that the invitation had been lost, she didn’t hesitate to take out two pieces and asked me to give them to you. She said that she wanted to show you the most beautiful sample and show her most beautiful bloom."
Yuan You slowly got up from the ground and looked at my mouth in disbelief. "She, she really said that."
"Come with me for real. Come with me to see her and make it clear."
Yuan You was silent again for a moment, and then he gave an evasive answer, "I’m not going."
I was so angry that I caught Yuan You in my hand again. He closed his eyes and beat me around with me. I raised my fist and prepared to hit him again, but I didn’t hit him. My fist was finally collected slowly by me. I let Yuan You Nai sigh and finally left here without looking at him.
When I walked to the street corner, I found that Tang Si was coming towards me. She looked down at her feet. When the land came to me, she stopped to look at me. Her face was covered with tears. Such a lovely girl, I really don’t want to see her hurt.
With a lump in her throat, she took out a key from her body and taught it to me, saying, "Help me give it back to him. Just say I’m leaving and thank him for taking care of me."
With that, Tang Sizhen disappeared from my face again without looking back. I’m really gone. Tang Sizhen is gone.
Looking at the key ring, I finally chose to go back, but when I got to the store, I found that Yuan Youzheng was leaning against the wall with a sad face. I went forward and threw the key in front of him. He didn’t look at me, but kept looking at the guitar that had been smashed. The guitar string panel with the word Kaori was smashed, and he smashed it.

"That’s the truth."

Fu Jingxiao believes that Zhou Shiyu has let Zhou Shiyu face him again and again, hoping that Zhou Shiyu will be the brave man to save his sister.
Said he was selfish, and he also gave it to Fu Jingyun.
Fu Jingxiao’s words rang. He lowered the line and watched the mobile phone. To Hoai whale leaned close to his ear to listen to him.
The teahouse box is so small that he can hear it if he leans over.
"I’m ready. There’s still a game in the evening. Do you have anything to do? Will you come and pick us up?"
Fu Jingxiao should be a "ok, I’ll come over now"
He got up to go.
"Not to say that late.
Want to have dinner together? "To Hoai whale was thrown again.
"I have a girlfriend to accompany me to eat. Do you want to accompany me?" Fu Jingxiao was really at the top of the pyramid.
Zhou Shiyu got up. "I also have to leave in advance."
"What’s wrong with you one by one? What is this woman? You can’t be free without a man. One day, I called a box to play cards together." To Hoai whale looked at them unjustly and said that they were leaving.
"You play big slowly" Fu Jingxiao looked at him funny.
The nightlife is very rich, and it will be a headline for Sue to stay alone in the box and be photographed by paparazzi.
To Hoai whale became a left-behind child and stayed in the teahouse to watch the two leave him and think back, "No, I was abandoned and asked me to pay the bill."
It seems that he is the one who is really stupid and rich.
Ten minutes ago
After the three people watch the movie, Xia Lu will send a circle of friends in P picture.
"Why don’t you call your cell phones one by one, and wait for me to finish the technical repair and send a circle of friends?" Xia Lu stared at Xu Jinyan and Fu Jingyun and ordered.
The two of them asked in a different way, "Do we want it, too?"
"Otherwise, in addition to sharing life, there is a key issue for people who should see it."
"It turns out that there are so many doorways in it, which is really ignorant." Xu Jinyan felt that he had been taught another lesson.
Fu Jingyun is like this.
For her, WeChat is often a job demand, and she just uses it as a tool to connect with it with little special attention.
In the summer deer, the photos were carefully made and soon they were thrown to their "landlord" group.
Xu Jinyan made a picture and asked, "Is my face so white?"
"Of course, I don’t have a little self-knowledge about you. It’s not that my sister Jing Yun and I are too beautiful. Nai, I have made you P white. My P picture is very expensive." Xia Lu glared at her.
Her hands were sore and she shook them.
Xu Jinyan gave her a white look. "I’ll ask you a few pounds of powder on your face?"
"Who said I rubbed powder?" Xia Lu muttered.
Sure enough, she has entered the highest state of ecstasy, and she still speaks so confidently.
She can silently choose pictures and send them to her circle of friends.
"Wait a minute" Xia Lu stopped them again. "I haven’t thought of a good copy yet."
"Sisters have tea?" Fu Jingyun has read too much about advertising copy.
Xu Jin’s inkstone caters to a science student besides catering to her. After all, she has no literary flavor and can’t write well.
Generally, it is to copy a famous saying.
"No, it’s too humble. I thought of watching." Xia Lu has already typed it on her mobile phone.
Xu Jinyan couldn’t help but hiss, "I feel a little distressed about Fu Jingxiao’s mobile phone. When he saw that he repeated three friends and occupied his mobile phone screen at the same time, he felt."
"Grateful to Dade for having this opportunity for us to occupy the screen" Xia Lu snorted and lifted her jaw and made a little announcement.
This circle of friends is on the rise
In fact, Xia Lu is fine. Just note that everyone knows that she lives in a circle of friends. One day she didn’t send a circle of friends, and she felt strange.
Ms. Qian Jiang also said
"What, there are no hair bands today?"
"I don’t want people to know that I am a midwife because I have been giving birth in the delivery room all day today," Xia Lu replied.
Xu Jinyan will put away his mobile phone after his successful publication.
However, due to obsessive-compulsive disorder, she dragged to the front of the page, and the number 3 was displayed in a small red circle.
Chapter three hundred and fifty-four How many years did he like to hide?
I cann’t believe there are so many replies
Because I have to read the reply before I drop WeChat, she can jump to her photo by clicking a little red dot.

She is not a common moral kidnapping when she talks in a patriarchal situation. She treats Hua Zhenxing and herself. She has achieved different moral standards.

When a person asks another person for God, asking the other person for divine kindness to treat herself, it means that she treats the other person privately and pollutes the divinity even if the other person is really God.
These are two sides of an inseparable whole.
This distortion can often be seen in Hollywood-style super-British movies in the United States. For example, there is a saying called "the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility."
The word power has a double meaning in the linguistic context. The former is the possession of economic and political resources and the latter is the ability of one’s talent and physique.
In the story template they created, the two were intentionally confused and replaced. The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. It should be aimed at the former, but in narrative logic it has become aimed at the latter.
The actual demonstration plot has become "the greater the ability, the first to die."
Those who can give more help to people will pay more and more-everything will have to be paid.
So we can see that Superman can break the planet with one punch, defeat the alien invasion and save the world, but he can’t stop his parents’ house from being taken away by the bank. In the end, he has to rely on bankers’ "friends" to buy the bank’s "return"
Does this conform to even a little realistic logic? I can’t think of such a plot without the fear of cerebral thrombosis for hundreds of years, but it is so openly broadcast to the world.
Even superman has to obey the perfect logical class order, just like a tame sheep, or he is a blackened villain.
Superman’s power should be what some people expect, and it is their power after all.
This narrative mode, on the other hand, the masses and the most ordinary people are often regarded and dissolved into various so-called "group consciousness" noises, which excite the audience to show off their skills in small groups.
Another example is that a child who has a bright and studious mind and has been bitten by an insect and a strong superpower still has to live honestly. The bottom of the society is not only dead at home, but also often scolded by the boss for delaying work because of cracking down on criminals.
Positive characterization is accompanied by moral characterization. What kind of moral implication is this? Implied curse maliciously pollutes the faith that can really bring hope to people.
About Gao Le’s words made Hua Zhenxing narrow his eyes for a long time. After eating several dishes, he replied, "Although I am not a ghost, I have also heard that incense poison can understand your belief pollution."
I have never intended to give everyone everything. It is impossible and not my wish. What I seek is fairness, so that everyone has the opportunity to change and improve through hard work.
I’m not a promise from God, but a pursuit of human beings. Today, Guinea is a country where all the people work together to create a spiritual practice in the valley of nourishing Yuan, which is everyone’s own realm.
What I say is true, not just an attitude. I know this means and I can feel malicious, but it has never shaken my heart. "
Chapter 597, Hua Zhen line back.
Belief in the concept of pollution is somewhat difficult to understand, but the concept of incense poison is much more practical.
God always feels illusory, but in the reality of ghost practice, it is not uncommon to see all kinds of evil spirits attached to the altar, clay sculpture, wood carving or various mysterious objects enjoying incense and worship since ancient times
Those who are poisoned by incense are not only ghosts who enjoy incense, but also people who offer incense.
Ghosts have their hearts attached to the gods to enjoy incense, and they will also receive prayers from worshippers. If they don’t respond, it will be difficult to attract more incense. If they respond, what can they do?
Incense poison was born from this.
In this way, ghost practices are often divided into two categories. The first category is stealing incense from shrines, such as temples pretending to be so-and-so bodhisattvas. Of course, the stronger the incense, the better the place, but the more dangerous it is to steal it.
The second kind of temple worship is that people, such as the people, believe in fox spirits.
Ghost practice has always been and may not be forbidden. There are also ghost practices in all schools, and there are corresponding ways to resolve incense and poison.
However, all kinds of evil practices in the world may not be able to get the right dharma, and they may not be able to restrain themselves well. In ancient times, the easiest way to practice ghost practices was to show magical powers or induce or force people to set up shrines.
Usually, there are two methods. The first is that it is good to sacrifice it, for example, to protect the local weather. The second is that if you don’t sacrifice it, there will be disasters, for example, to fly sand and stones.
The latter is much easier and more common than the former, because it is necessary to scare people, while the former, after all, still needs to give benefits, and people often lose their feelings when they give more benefits.
More than 1,200 years ago, when Peng Ze, a founder, visited the temple of prostitution everywhere, he was a new arrival. Peng Ze made Di Gong join hands to eradicate the temple of prostitution, and took advantage of the situation to launch the Sanxing Ring.
At that time, there were three loose rings posted on the poster-
One must not correct the public to claim to be holy and confuse the village.
Second, don’t get magical powers and forget the law to harm all beings.
3. It is forbidden to extort the people from the people by using the tactics of warfare to seek immorality.
It’s not always evil spirits and ghosts to dazzle the local people and blackmail them to set up shrines, but it also includes some devious disciples who practice Jianghu and scattered religious practices, and these monks are often left unattended.
Suozheng, an ancestor, decided to give up the precept. His younger brother was the earliest preceptor. Later, all the sects in Kunlun practice made an agreement and swore an oath, and at the same time, they also made a joint punishment precept.
The core of the Sanxing Ring is to prohibit monks from openly revealing their magical powers and playing tricks on the East. In the cultural context of the East, the so-called ghosts and gods are not high concepts, but a certain type represents mystery.
Monks with magical powers are most likely to be regarded as ghosts and gods by ordinary people
Some people will feel afraid, and more people will make all kinds of prayers, but they will not be able to do so, and they will also have resentment and curse. These are all broad-based incense and poison-spreading precepts, which not only restrict the monks’ behavior, but also protect their practice.
After thousands of years, Hua Zhen Hangyang Yuan Gudi also consciously abided by the "no-going" ring and will be included in the door rules.
Huanxiang Industry has a third-class project site, and no ordinary people are monks. On that occasion, everyone can exert their magical powers to the fullest. Recently, Hua Zhen has extended the third-class project to Yizhu City in the East.
Hua Zhen’s trip is not a ghost, but what is the incense poison? He has long heard from Yang Lao-tou.
Shennian Zhonghua Zhenxing also told Yogaole about two other sets of data. Ten years ago, Luo Chad conducted a sample survey on Huazhenxing during his escape, and 30% of the local indigenous people were infected with the deadly virus.
Although the incubation period of the virus is very long, there is no low-cost and common treatment once the disease occurs.
This figure was also confirmed by Yang Laotou, who told Hua Zhen that there were 30% people in Shou Yuan for less than ten years at that time.
It was 22 years when Rothschild said this sentence, and now it is 23 years. The facts verify his judgment.
There is also a set of data. When the new Guinea was founded, the total number of cadres in the new alliance was about 200,000, and the average age was 25 years old. Because of the poor combat effectiveness of the military and police in Guinea, the casualty rate of the new allied forces in the liberation war was very low.
If this year has passed, the natural death rate of these 200 thousand people has reached 12%, and more than 20 thousand people have died, most of them are still young
Hua Zhen pedestrians have a nine-turn purple pill that can cure all diseases, but a nine-turn purple pill can’t solve the problem. The countermeasures adopted by the new alliance are, first of all, patriotic health campaign to change people’s living habits and gradually improve medical and health conditions
Comparing the data of 3% in 10 years and 12% in 2000, the cadres in the new alliance seem to be generally better physically, which also promotes the cultivation of yuan. They are the first people to come into contact with the cultivation of yuan.
Hua Zhen’s exquisite practice of nourishing the Yuan can cure Waggeliang’s terminal illness and Xia Yading’s arm, but he can’t treat so many people himself, and there are many people who can’t be cured.
What he can do is to overthrow the old society, give people a chance to save themselves and save future generations from the same suffering.
Hua Zhen’s belief in his trip can’t be shaken by what he did. He has witnessed too many hardships in life and death and knows what he can and should do.
About Gao Le heard a change of tone. "It seems that General Manager Hua already knows the results of my investigation?"
Hua Zhen trip "You haven’t said it yet"

Nany came home with a hangover last night and vomited violently, and didn’t sleep until two or three in the morning.

Hua Wenxuan went to the company this afternoon and didn’t see her.
Call her. The maid said she was still sleeping.
He told her to have a good rest and didn’t bother her again.
Nany went to the company in the afternoon and called him because he couldn’t find a place to look for him.
This matter is so serious that he regrets not listening to her last night.
So he answered the words and went out in a hurry
Located in a commercial building in the most prosperous commercial district of Pudong.
The first to fourth floors are Huaxuantang Exhibition Area, Beauty Salon and vip Customer Customization Area Hotline Reception Hall.
The fifth floor is Huaxuantang administrative office area.
President’s office
Hua Wenxuan stared at the forebrain screen with a serious face, and his right hand quickly pulled the mouse.
On the brain screen, there are several samples of new autumn designs, and some catwalk photos taken at the fashion show.
Ten of these photos are exactly the same as the samples shown in his mind.
When people see these photos and pictures, they will not hesitate to think that clothes are designed and made through these samples.
However, the fashion show of these photos was not called by Hua Xuantang.
Hua Xuan Tang’s autumn new fashion show is planned for the weekend.
These photos are what nany said was very important last night.
☆ Chapter 20 Who’s up to something? ☆
Nany got an invitation to a private party last night, which was initiated by Hua Xuantang’s competitor "Love Clothes". The invitation said that there would be a new fashion show.
She came to invite Hua Wenxuan to go with her, but Hua Wenxuan refused.
Nany also knows that Hua Wenxuan is trying to avoid appearing alone with her on a certain occasion.
Although it is said that this is half a business, nany has long been independent of fashion, and it is more than enough for her to be alone.
Therefore, Hua Wenxuan can get away from it.
But it was at last night’s fashion conference that she actually saw a fashion style with a similarity of 99% with Huaxuantang’s upcoming new China, so she paid close attention and secretly took photos back.
Then she also stayed to attend the cocktail party of the company to find out which designer made those fashions.
Nany has always been a beauty, and it is definitely not a problem who she wants to get close to.
The problem is that people will dream about her.
As a result, she did drink a lot, but she didn’t find any more information
"It’s exactly the same!" Hua Wenxuan turned his eyes from the screen and glanced at it.
"Yes, I was shocked last night, too." nany was dressed ina capable business suit and looked serious. "I will find out about this as soon as possible, but these are the best designers in Huaxuantang. What should I do if our new press conference is about to be called?"
"Are these leaked samples all ina?" He asked thoughtfully.
"It’s the president," nany replied respectfully.
She knows that she has feelings for Hua Wenxuan in her heart.
But she is also a private person.
Privately, she called him by his name and he called her by her name.
But in the company, she still has to respectfully call him "president"
“luy!” He pressed the secret line.
Almost all companies influenced by nany have an English name.
"What’s the president’s order?" Secret Luyi asked.
"Tell the design department ina to come to my office."
Soon a young girl with a shawl and curly hair knocked at the door.
"The President heard that you wanted to see me?" Ina some uneasy carefully asked.
As soon as the president announced that the novice had taken over the sea branch, she was summoned.
"Look at this." He turned his head and pushed the note to her for her to read.
Ina looked at the brain screen suspiciously and then widened her eyes in horror.
"What is this?" She looked at Hua Wenxuan nany with a strange face.
"Shouldn’t this sentence be what I want to ask you?" Hua Wenxuan’s face was tense and his tone was slightly heavy.
What does ina naturally mean in the words of Baihua Wenxuan? She casually put her hands and tried to clarify that "it wasn’t me! President, I didn’t leak it! If I’m up to something, I’ll just sit here and wait for you to talk to me. "
"I believe you didn’t do it," nany said to help her out, "but you must cooperate with us to find evidence to prove your innocence."
"Thank you, Mr. Tang, for trusting me." ina listened to nany’s words with a lot of heart. "Who is so hateful that I have framed me? I must find her out!"

Deep in the cave, there is a huge crystal coffin, in which lies a figure wrapped in a thick crystal shell, and there is no life.

Unlike the Archaean Eldar seen by Lu Chen before, the creatures sealed by Crystal Shell Town still have the breath of life even when they are asleep, which is the seal when life goes by.
If there is no life in the crystal shell, it is said that it has died in the long years.
Liu Chen and Qian Xue looked at the woman in this crystal coffin before they left.
The style of a woman’s orange dress is different from that of today’s dress, which is more simple and dignified. Through the crystal shell of the crystal coffin, you can see the graceful figure of the cage, but her face is as hard to see as a layer of Shaman.
Even after sleeping, dignified and noble temperament still does not decline, which is awe-inspiring and wants people to bow down and worship.
Qianxue put her hand on the crystal coffin. "This is the immortal refining material of Tianwai Yunjing … what a luxury."
Lu Chen frowns and thinks that he can’t feel the breath of this woman’s life. Is this the same as the secret blood?
Is it true that the secret blood bodhi old zu said that people who let themselves see are women in front of them?
Will she be the secret blood bodhi old zu?
The secret blood bodhi old zu let himself take the opportunity to say that this opportunity can make him advance by leaps and bounds in Xiaojin dragon three for three years and win the final victory.
But the so-called chance can’t be this crystal coffin, can it?
Although Qian Xue also said that this is an excellent refining material, Lu Chen is not Pang Bo, and he still has a little sympathy for others’ coffin plates.
Moreover, the refined words are not very helpful to their own strength, and that is not the secret blood fighters have always pursued the road. They are pursuing their own powerful martial arts to the extreme.
Lu Chen said with a try mentality, "The younger Lu Chen was asked by the bodhi old zu of the secret blood."
His voice echoed, but there was no response and nothing special happened.
The woman is still sleeping quietly, and even the connection is dyed with a quiet atmosphere.
"Captain, do you want to take out a token and try it?"
Thousands of snow wake up
Lu Chen wanted to force the secret blood bodhi old zu to give him the mark out of the body, but the mark didn’t listen to him, not like the 49 Taoist seals.
He tried his best to force the deep red rune to the surface of his body, but the law continued to leave.
In the end, Lu Chen can also put his face on the crystal coffin and shout, "Is the elder still alive? I brought a token. "
He was afraid that the imprint was not close enough, and he leaned forward, and the crystal coffin was fitted, which caused Qianxue to want to go around to the other side to see what it would be like.
A little later, Liu Chen saw that the woman in the crystal coffin didn’t respond and was disappointed. "It seems that we made a trip in vain. This elder has passed away."
I think it’s also the secret blood bodhi old zu, who was a figure six million years ago, and it took him more than one million years to cultivate to that state, so few people of his time are millions of years old.
The clay statues they saw before were only more than 4 million years old, and Shou Yuan has reached its limit. It is still borrowed some mysteries from the original mine to survive.
The more powerful a person is, the harder it is to be completely sealed. This is the same in any world. Presumably, the female crystal shell in the crystal coffin can’t play its full role. When the effect passes, it will be normal. After a long time, her body has turned into a beautiful body.
Xiaojinlong is rubbing on the coffin board, which means that it can eat the female inside.
Liu Chen’s hand is a slap on the head of Xiaojinlong. "Are you poisonous? Have you forgotten our three chapters? "
Xiaojinlong shrank his head and paws, which means that Lu Chen said he couldn’t eat it, and he didn’t mean anything to it. The living didn’t say the dead.
"Eat and you will know that you can’t chew this coffin even if you hit it."
Lu Chen was in a bad mood. After several months of history, he finally went to the depths of the original mine, but there was a dead body in the end.
He’s not mocking Xiaojinlong. He says it’s true. Don’t say that the female realm in Xiaojinlong’s coffin may be the secret blood bodhi old zu level. Even if it’s attacked by thousands of snow forces, don’t try to leave traces on the body.
Compared with this crystal coffin, the female body may have stronger anti-strike ability.
"Ow …"
Xiaojinlong is a little lost. It feels so good. It says that people are all dead, so why can’t she feel it when I eat her?
It thinks that human beings are very double-minded, scolding them for being really dragons and waves the resources of the universe while surfing the resources of the universe themselves.
This woman didn’t disperse her body energy after her death. She didn’t become a Taoist like the former immortal, but stayed here.
Then why can’t it eat?
"Captain, come and see that there is lettering here."

When Pei Wende was hit hard by Dan Chen and had to temporarily live in Ningxiang County, it was the old woman who found and took him in.

After solving the "vampire Lao", Pei Wende left enough money for the old woman, but after all, he didn’t come back to see her for such a long time.
"Aunt, I came back to see you."
Pei Wende opened his arms to give the old woman a hug, and then was slapped by the old woman without surprise.
"You haven’t seen each other for such a long time, or this pair of no big or little slutty characters."
The mouth complained so much, but the joy of the old woman’s face was obvious
For this knee-old woman, Pei Wende didn’t get along for a long time, but she already regarded each other as her own child in her heart.
"Ha ha, it’s only been a few months."
Despite the old woman’s obstruction, Pei Wende gave each other a bear hug again without any problem.
Although this etiquette is not in line with most people’s understanding of feudal ethics, today’s flourishing and declining Tang Dynasty is not out of line.
"I’m not ashamed to be an adult!"
The old woman who grumpily poked Pei Wende’s forehead saw the officers standing behind him like wood.
It is no wonder that Sun County Commandant was so dumbfounded that Pei Wende broke their understanding of the "little wizard" after his performance.
You should know that Pei Wende impressed them with majesty and solemnity in the "vampire Lao incident" or in the previous conversation.
This is the first time that the officers have seen Pei Wende show such a human side, but also to an ordinary old woman who lives in the streets all the year round.
No matter from which angle, the old woman in front of her is an ordinary person.
If it weren’t for this scene, they wouldn’t have thought that Pei Wende’s "acquaintances" would be ordinary people.
"auntie, I came back to you this time to ask you for help."
Without too much hesitation, Mrs. Pei Wende finally expressed her purpose after hugging.
"I may have to open a porridge shed in the near future, but I lack a chef."
"You also know that I am a stranger in this place and I don’t trust others to be responsible for cooking and thinking, so I can trouble you."
"Of course, how about you help me pay 200 pence a day?"
"There’s not a word of truth in your mouth."
Once again, I stretched out my hand and poked Pei Wende’s forehead. When the other party got along for so long, the old woman still couldn’t see each other’s little thoughts.
Pei Wende said that he didn’t trust others to cook, but in fact he didn’t want to watch the old woman continue to get up early and spread pancakes.
It’s just that this opportunity for the old lady to help herself can not only save a lot of trouble, but also save enough "pension" for the other party at one time.
After all, the next action in Pei Wende’s plan will not solve the problem in a day or two.
Two hundred words a day seems to be few, but it is much better than getting up early and being greedy for the dark by the old woman herself.
The most important thing is that Pei Wende is here to sit in these two hundred articles, but it has actually achieved enough for the elderly to support the second half of their lives.
"But you have a vision, don’t look at Auntie. I am old, but when I was young, my craft was still."
Without even asking what Pei Wende was going to do, the old woman smiled and replied.
Chapter 42 Wonderful monster fate
Almost at the same time, Zou Qiwu settled in the inn.
"Who are you?"
Zou Qiwu, who had just returned to the inn, was about to move himself and his contacts Pei Wende to take action to collect enough funds and materials when a woman appeared and pushed his door open.
Just the most eye-catching position at the door, but others in the inn just didn’t see the woman, just like Zou Qiwu at the door
"Don’t be so wary. I’m here to help you."
There is an elusive smile on the corner of her mouth. It’s as if she didn’t see Zou Qiwu’s rejection. She said in a calm and almost strange tone
"Help me? If you really want to help me, at least make a basic self-introduction! "
Eyes alert to stay in the female body Zou Qiwu is especially glad that he didn’t let the moon follow him back to the inn, but left the office with Zhang Chusheng.
Because I saw the woman at first sight, I was sure that the other person was not a person.
There is nothing to curse or belittle consciousness. Zou Qiwu is simply stating the fact that this woman is not human.
And the woman’s answer did prove Zou Qiwu’s guess.
"It’s really not the kui is a thief who dared to steal a’ clever boy’ twenty years ago. This courage alone is beyond the ordinary people …"
"Since you want to know my name so much, I’ll tell you!"
What seems to be a compromise still reveals a tone of almost charity.
"My name is Ruier, and my original surname is Fox."
"But now I’ve changed my husband’s surname. You can call me Lu Ruier."
Smell speech Zou Qiwu first face a surprised and then insight into the subtext of female words.

And a moment shocked everyone, including Lu Chen.

Qing Di humanoid flash swept out with chaotic violet, not to Lu Chen, but to several people who were ready to attack Liu Chen, the ancient emperor. The chaotic and angry road collapsed and the three humanoid flashes were blown away!
Then Qing Di’s humanoid flash continued, pushing the sun, the moon and the stars horizontally with his left hand and holding the chaotic violet in his right hand, killing the immortal emperor’s humanoid flash directly.
Chapter one thousand one hundred and sixty Blown out
Don’t say that even Liu Chen is very puzzled by others, but he has not come to think much, because the cruel man, the emperor and the statue of the emperor, have come to kill again.
They are all top-notch, and perhaps there is a gap between them and their hometown world, Plath Luchen. However, as the realm climbs, the power of human flash in debut is different from that in low realm.
It is not an effect that some Daoism is displayed by cutting the strength of Daoism and the quasi-emperor’s territory.
That is to say, Lu Chen’s hometown world has received "self" education many times, otherwise, it is really impossible to cope with the appearance of four talented mortals at this time.
After an experience of being blown up, Lu Chen grew up and stopped thinking about being flattering, but tried not to face the siege of three strong men at the same time
If it weren’t for being hit by three talented mortals at the same time, Liu Chen could barely resist.
"Qing Di humanoid flash don’t attack Liu Chen instead of attacking his doom? Is there something wrong with this robbery? "
Watching Tianjiao wonder what seems to be hidden in the Armageddon.
Some explorers who are looking forward to Lu Chen’s death don’t look very good either. "Is it unfair that there is a black hand to manipulate it again?"
Some explorers wonder if it is the origin of Lu Chen’s official protection.
However, some explorers lost in thought and guessed part of the truth. They suspected that Lu Chen might have traveled to the ancient times of the perfect world in the future and had a fate with Qing Di’s predecessor.
You know, Qing Di people are not dead yet, but they are trapped in a barren tower. The Nirvana species of chaotic violet Ye Fan body has a certain perception of the outside world, but it is not completely limited
Maybe he felt that the outside situation interfered with his own track?
This kind of situation didn’t happen in Du Jie, Ye Fan. Once the ruthless emperor flashed his human form and didn’t attack and kill Ye Fan.
"Is Liu Chen going against the sky? … He actually shook the emperor’s forbidding killing method!"
Watching the old people tremble, it’s a big deal. How many people dare to say that the same place can receive a blow from the Chinese emperor?
What’s more, the Emperor Zun’s brilliant and cruel emperor joined forces to strike a blow, which simply means that all the fighting power will be shattered in the same situation.
However, Lu Chenchi’s muscle knot was forbidden to kill, and the residual breath affected the wound, bleeding, ghost face, ferocious qi and blood, and he cut forward to the two people.
At the height of the war, all the words are secret, while the opposite side represents the emperor’s humanoid flash. The same is true. The vicious emperor’s humanoid flash is not to be outdone, which also makes her create magic and then fall like a palm to crush the heavens.
There was a big burst in the stars, and even the road marks seemed to be obliterated, causing turbulence. I don’t know how many stars were annihilated. Fortunately, Lu Chen specially chose Du Jie, a remote place on the ancient road, or many life sources would suffer.
Lu Chen was covered in blood and retreated, but the bronze tripod of the emperor’s humanoid flash was shocked. The corner of the humanoid flash of the emperor was broken. Although he retreated, he also made achievements!
Lu Chen is confident that one-on-one conversation can win a humanoid flash in this realm, but unfortunately it is not one-on-one now
Of course, even if he can beat these mortals in the same environment, it doesn’t mean that he can beat them in the same environment.
After all, humanoid flash is a dead thing, but it is a trace of heaven and earth. It is not very clever in combat, and some are rigid and can’t compare with real people.
This is also the reason why Ye Fan was able to survive the robbery of the Nine Emperors. Otherwise, Ye Fan’ s cutting road would have been killed, and there was no room for turnover delay
However, in this cruel apocalypse, a person’s fighting power in the same environment will become more and more terrible and will eventually come out of it.
Liu Chen spilled blood and retreated with laughter.
The ancient road is competing for the male?
How interesting is it for Du Jie to cut the road mark of the Great Emperor?
Qing Di’s humanoid flash helped him block the immortal emperor’s humanoid flash, which greatly reduced Lu Chen’s pressure. The vicious emperor, the great emperor, the emperor Zun and the Jade Emperor humanoid flash shot one after another, but without the fifth strong encirclement, Lu Chenzhou became much bigger.
"Isn’t that powerful humanoid Shem the Jade Emperor of Shencanling?"
Some ancient tianjiao saw the doorway and found that the so-called robbery of the forty-nine emperors seemed to be a bluff, which could really pose a threat to Lu Chen, a pervert, but it was only six people
Cruel Emperor, Emperor, Emperor Zun, Immortal Emperor, Jade Emperor Qing Di Road Mark, but at this time, Qing Di’s humanoid flashing anti-counterfeiting also turned against the immortal Emperor Road Mark, and the original lore bureau naturally came into being.
Some people have a good feeling before, and it is true that if six strong people have made moves together through the ages, no one can stop them in the same situation, at least not in this life.
"Really special abnormal condition …"
An explorer spoke out that he felt it was really frustrating to see Lu Chen and Du Jie.
At this time, four mortals, immortals, and human figures besieged Liu Chen for four hours, which actually made Liu Chen spill blood and didn’t blow up again.
You know, in the original work, the emperor and the emperor covered the sky in the first world war, and finally the villain big BOSS was besieged by four mortals, which also supported a "paragraph."
Lu Chen can definitely write many paragraphs if he wants to write a novel about this duel.
And watching the four-way humanoid flash really can’t kill him.
Not only that, at this time, Liu Chen’s winding of harsh red light is like a kind of high-god technique, which raises his own defense power to an extreme horror level.
Fight together greatly, and move forward like a dead thing.
In such a compact battle, he was able to spare no effort to kill those who gathered near his emperor.
Liu Chen’s sword should be attacked by four strong men. Before reorganization, it should be handed over to regicide’s sword spirit to maintain stability. His left hand is raised and a punch is punched to kill the immortal. The explosion of fist will break through the head of Xiaoyao Tianzun in front of him.
Liu Chen’s waist was twisted, and once again, he held the regicide in his hands and cut out the tripod to block the emperor.
When the bell rang and Lu Chen’s causal knife was delayed and reversed again, Gan Kun turned around and punched the cruel emperor Fei Xian.
The universe trembles and the sky collapses, just like there has never been such a big battle on the battlefield in ancient mythology.
Forty-nine emperors of ancient and modern times gathered around to kill one person!
"It’s going to fate with who else can enemy him! ?”

She rubbed her eyebrows and answered the phone "Hello, I’m Xu Taotao"

"Xu! I’m Allen. Please replenish the goods for me. I want to order 200,000 cases of milk tea this time. It’s so popular. You can’t imagine how popular it is. It’s creamy, silky and delicious. I love it so much. My guests love it too! Delivery allows you to help me deliver the goods quickly! "
Ellen’s voice was as sharp as a woman’s.
He was so excited that he howled at the microphone that Xu Taotao’s ears hurt.
But at the same time, she also felt the excitement and urgency of Allen. She rubbed her ears and smiled.
"Of course, Mr. Allen is our overseas guest. If you want the goods, we will definitely prepare 200,000 cases of milk tea for you, right? No problem. By the way, Mr. Allen, we have a new sour and sweet sour plum soup, and it tastes very good. I’ll send you a thousand cases first. You can taste it and think it’s good. Shall we meet again?"
Xu Taotao smiled and discussed.
Mr. Allen is different from Mr. Charles. He runs a chain hotel instead of a supermarket. Nowadays, many snacks are sold or given to guests in Mr. Allen’s hotel.
Recently, the most popular among guests is milk tea.
It is simple, convenient and easy to carry, and its taste is smooth and fragrant, which attracts a large number of fans.
At present, the demand for milk tea in Allen hotels is in short supply. Although it has not caught up with the sales volume of Charles Supermarket, it is a problem to compare with the purchase volume of Charles Supermarket based on its increasing demand.
This is why Xu Taotao doesn’t care about Mr. Charles unilaterally tearing up the contract and no longer purchasing Great Wall food.
"Sour plum soup drink?"
Allen’s tone at the other end of the sentence was pleasantly surprised, and his throat was broken.
He said directly, "Maybe it’s no problem if you say it’s delicious. Tell you what, send me 50 thousand cases of sour plum soup drinks. If the guests like the follow-up, I will purchase more!"
Xu Taotao smiled and smiled. "Okay!"
She likes this generous buyer.
Mr. Allen is also very happy.
He feels that he has completely replaced Charles as the biggest guest now, and he is very proud.
Chapter one hundred and one Charles bowed their heads.
Therefore, Xu Taotao knew that Charles’ refusal to join the Great Wall was not without influence, but Charles was very determined to turn a blind eye to these influences.
It seems that he is quite determined to resist the Great Wall Food.
Xu Taotao thought so, and then she chatted with Allen for a while and then called.
Who knows that Xu Taotao received a message from Charles on the other side of the ocean after two days.
"Xu He continues"
In the words, Charles sounded dull and indifferent, but there was a sense of inexplicably having to compromise.
Xu Taotao holds the microphone and picks his eyebrows.
She said Gherardini, "Mr. Charles, you tore up the contract when you wanted to, regardless of what I wanted to send out. If we don’t take care of the goods, we will have a hard time now."
Now you suddenly change your mind and continue the previous contract. I have to say, Mr. Charles, you really have no integrity in business. "
"So, Mr. Charles, at present, our Great Wall food production is insufficient. We are very sorry that the goods you want may be temporarily closed."
Say that finish Xu Taotao happy hangs up.
Very happy
At a side will this call from beginning to end Li opened his mouth.
Director Xu just flatly refused to be Mr. Charles?
It’s not that Mr. Charles unilaterally tore up the contract with their Great Wall Food. What’s going on now, and the big boss took the initiative to go back and make peace?
And their factory director Xu was very domineering and refused the other party’s solution.
Li’s face corrected
On the one hand, he felt that director Xu had done a good job in principle, and on the other hand, he missed Mr. Charles, an overseas guest, and felt sorry.
Xu Taotao was amused by his changing face and asked, "Do you think I shouldn’t refuse Charles?"
She has no doubt that Li Neng understood the conversation she had just had with Charles. After all, Li is a foreign language, high flyers, or a professional in charge of overseas industries after her appointment. It is impossible that the short English conversation just now could not be understood.
Li Lima shook his head.
He seriously said, "You must have your own reasons for doing this."
The reason?
Xu Taotao smiled.
Yes or no?
I was fooled before, but now I want to fool someone else.
In the mind think so Xu Taotao didn’t tell Pan Li she conveniently changed the subject and talked about the reason why Li came today.
"I’m going to set up a special overseas business and trade department. I’m going to transfer you to that new department in the past. Now I want to ask you if you want. You can go through the formalities today if you want. Are you unwilling or not?"
Li was ecstatic after a lag.
He was too excited to say, "Director, do you really want to set up an overseas business and trade department?"
Moreover, according to the director Xu, he must have been the head of the department in the past. He was still a college student, and less than a year after he entered the post, the director Xu valued him so highly.
I have to say that Li is a little flustered, a little expecting and a little unbelievable.
However, Xu Taotao gave him the exact answer.
She seriously said that "the establishment of overseas business and trade department is necessary. With the increasing frequency of overseas business, it is imperative for the sales department to set up a special overseas department.
Chapter one hundred and two Request for support
Xu Jingya’s eyes were red and she went out. Xu Taotao shook her head with a smile and then picked up a plan at hand.

After Dong Fangbubai left, Wang Yue said to Wang Xi, "Little sister is not a good person. It is best not to like her."

Little sister "Wang Xi" confused way "is it? But my sister is very kind to me. "
Wang Yue sighed and shook his head to wash bamboo shoots and make wine. The child had no way to communicate with her.
Heimuya Chengde Temple
After Dong Fangbubai came back, he was excited to practice the mysterious palm in the center of the earth.
"Ha ha, it’s a godsend. I didn’t think that I, Dong Fangbubai, not only got the" Sunflower Collection "but now I got the" Mysterious Palm ".These two kinds of martial arts can solve the hidden danger of sunflower qi. I, Dong Fangbubai, are just around the corner all day, but there are many secrets about Wang Yue, and it’s incredible that such a unique school can be easily given away."
After Dong Fangbubai cultivated the mysterious palm, the masculine attribute of the body qi was neutralized, which made her feel refreshed immediately.
"It’s amazing. The palm of God is amazing. Xuan Ming is really angry!"
Dong Fangbubai hit the table with a palm of his hand, and the powerful cold quickly filled the tablecloth with frost.
Chapter 7 Ten Years
This heavenly king YueZheng village head to practice Tai Ji Chuan.
Xingyiquan is overbearing and strong, but it is more than feminine, which is also the reason why Wang Yueji did not become a strong man.
This time, Wang Yue wants to practice Tai Ji Chuan and Tai Ji Chuan to reach the level of dark energy, and all meridians get through, so he will switch to the family. I hope this time, I can achieve the strong way.
Little sister "Wang Xi" sat quietly watching Wang Yue practice Wang Xi. She was too young to understand boxing, but she thought her brother was beautiful and looked comfortable.
"little sister"
A voice behind Wang Xi.
Wang Xi a surprised look back turned out to be the previous sister in red.
I am also very happy to see Dong Fangbubai Wang Xi, but I thought of my brother’s boxing and quickly covered my mouth. Then the novel said, "Sister, you are here. Be quiet. My brother said not to disturb him when he was boxing."
Dong Fangbubai sat down beside Wang Xi and smiled. "Well, we won’t bother your brother. We’ll concentrate on watching him fight."
Wang Qianxin nodded "hmm"
Wang Yue’s fist moves with his eyes closed, following his feelings, and his footwork moves very smoothly, just like flowing water.
Wang Yue’s boxing method will make a strong sound when Yang and Roujin Dao change.
"A thousand dollars is hard to buy."
This is because Wang Yuejia’s boxing practice has achieved a strong effect, which ordinary family boxing fighters can’t achieve.
Dong Fangbubai looked at Wang Yue boxing eyebrows a wrinkly heart andao "Tai Ji Chuan? What is different from Wudang Tai Ji Chuan, especially his breathing roots are not like uniting the true qi. It’s really weird. "
Wudang Tai Ji Chuan Taiji Sword is a great martial arts world, but it also belongs to the scope of Qi cultivation.
Wang Yue’s practice is a family boxing, which comes from Chenjiagou and is of course different from Wudang Tai Ji Chuan.
There is no family boxing in the proud world. Dong Fangbubai doesn’t know Wang Yue’s boxing. It is only after seeing Tai Ji Chuan’s film studio that he feels a little weird.
Every time Wang Yue changed his strength, his sweat was shaken into water mist by powerful strength.
Tai Ji Chuan’s hammer method is very strong and strong.
Dong Fangbubai was shocked that "Wang Yue, a powerful and fierce fist, has many secrets in Wynaut".
As soon as Wang Yue gave off the heat in his body after a punch, it was like a huge steamer. Both Dong Fangbubai and Wang Xi could feel the heat coming on their faces.
Wang Yue felt refreshed when excess heat was removed from his body.
After these days, Wang Yue’s physical injury has been completely recovered. Now it is only a matter of time before Wang Yue will practice step by step and resume the pre-repair, although it may take a long time.
"Why are you here?"
Wang Yue walked beside his little sister Wang Xi and asked Dong Fangbubai.
Dong Fangbubai laughed. "Don’t worry, I’m not looking for you. I’m looking for my little sister."
Little sister? Wang Yue’s heart andao, you are so affectionate. We don’t know you very well.
"What kind of boxing do you practice?" Dong Fangbubai asked, "It looks overbearing, strong and fierce with femininity. You can’t cultivate the true qi with this fist, can you?"
Wang Yue laughed. "Tai Ji Chuan, don’t you know? Isn’t there wu-tang clan’s Tai Ji Chuan Sutra in Sun Moon Shintoism? I’m a wild road in Tai Ji Chuan. Of course, I can’t cultivate the true qi. It’s just to keep fit. Don’t count on this’ Tai Ji Chuan’ to become a martial arts expert. "
Wang Yue doesn’t want to explain too much to Dong Fangbubai. He feels that this woman is too mysterious, so it’s better not to have too much entanglement with her.
"I heard that you made good wine. How about taking it out and letting me try it?" Dong Fangbubai laughed.
"Come in," Wang Yue said to Dong Fangbubai with Wang Xi in his arms.
He hoped that Dong Fangbubai would leave after drinking.