Is it true that my brother-in-law is too spineless? You don’t have to do this to please your wife, do you? Well, although that’s my sister, don’t be so explicit in front of Laoting!

You really killed me!
It’s a long journey, starting from Lujiazui at about 12: 35 and arriving at Qiandao Lake Town, it’s nearly five o’clock.
This is a young and beautiful mountain city and an ancient new city. The whole city is surrounded by water on three sides and is known as "a city with mountains and half a city lake".
Tingting is also a tourist here on weekends. Many parking spaces are full of all kinds of vehicles, and the air is full of laughter.
The car stopped at Xiyuan Wharf and sat for more than four hours. Shen Xintang felt sore and unwell all over. Everyone except Hua Wenxuan took a nap more or less.
What you can see from the car is that the lake is clear and the sky is the same color. Looking far away, the islands are covered with green vegetation, and the land is exposed in a towering corner. The winding water is deep and colorful, like winding ribbons walking in the green trees and blue waves.
The sky is high, the clouds are pale, the waves are green, and the horizon is wide, which makes people feel uneasy. It seems that all the worries and worries have been thrown away and the mood has been strangely widened.
Take a deep breath and feel the air is so fresh and quiet.
Shen Xintang got off the bus and was attracted by the beautiful scenery in the lake. Hua Wenxuan got off the bus, but he also carefully waited on Shen’s father and mother to pick up the car.
The car to Laoting is as intoxicated and cheering at the beautiful scenery as Shen Xintang. It is always dull and silent, and Shen Dad’s face also shows admiration.
Hua Wenxuan went to the back of the car and hit it. After that, the hood came out with some paper bags from the trunk and then took them to the water area.
Two white yachts, Hua Wenxuan, stopped in front of one of them.
Not long after, a middle-aged man in a white sailor came out of the cabin and raised a professional smile when he saw Hua Wenxuan and his party. "Is that Mr. Hua Wenxuan?"
"Yes!" Hua Wenxuan nodded and promised to turn over a message in his mobile phone to him. After the other party confirmed it, he greeted him more enthusiastically. "Ah, welcome, welcome, I have been waiting for you!"
Hua Wenxuan smiled and thanked the man, so he put the small steps on the boat and waited for everyone to get on the boat before he boarded the bow.
Shen Gulai felt particularly friendly when he was sailing a boat, and the waves rippled and the boat swayed and suddenly felt interested in flying.
However, this yacht is very different from the Shen family boat. The Shen family pine wooden boat has set up a tent at the top, and this spacious yacht is not only luxuriously decorated, but also very beautiful. There is a bar, a karaoke hall and a lounge. In the hall, there is a video camera, a refrigerator and a mahjong table. You can sit on the side of the boat and watch the scenery outside, and you can also enjoy yourself on the boat.
"Brother-in-law, is this your charter?" Shen Jiayang asked Hua Wenxuan after sighing about the boat facilities, "How much is the yacht rent a day like this?"
"There’s not much money," Hua Wenxuan said lightly. "The cruise ship closes at five o’clock here. We’re going to live on the island in the middle of the lake, and with this yacht, we can think about where to go and the speed can be controlled by ourselves. It’s always convenient. How about the scenery here?"
"Not good is too good!" Shen Jiayang happily turned a circle in the same place and then couldn’t restrain his excitement and said, "Brother-in-law said that if I were a woman, I would love you too! Brother-in-law is mighty! "
Shen Jiayang excitedly kowtowed and took Laoting to the bow deck.
Wandering in the beautiful scenery is of course to enjoy the beautiful scenery. Who will spend their time in the room now?
The yacht broke through the waves, leaving ripples at the stern.
Shen Xintang accompanied his parents to the bow deck, and Shen Jiayang and Le Ting were laughing and slapping around the boat.
Hua Wenxuan has a few words to say and did something by the way.
Shen Jiayang came running with his mobile phone to take pictures of his parents and asked Shen Xintang to take pictures of him and Laoting.
Section 129
The mountains are picturesque and picturesque, and they are just like crashing into a fairyland, enjoying the beautiful scenery around them with greed and fascination.
After about twenty minutes, the yacht approached an island and slowly landed at the dock.
Shen Xintang realized that Hua Wenxuan didn’t have a bow. He must have a lot of things to do. She remembered that he said two days ago that he would be busy during this period. He was so busy that he took them out to play and drove for so long in person …
When Shen Xintang went to the cabin to call Hua Wenxuan, he found that he actually fell asleep by sitting on the sofa with his head tilted.
When he was awake, he was as strong and determined as the battlefield. At this time, his elegant face showed a tired look. A few soft bangs hung over the bright and clean forehead, just as he came when he was relaxed.
Is he really tired?
Last night, he hugged her and said that he was also very tired. He wanted to hug her quietly …
Suddenly, Shen Xintang felt a sad feeling in his heart. This man has been trying hard except that he didn’t take good care of her after giving birth. Even if he meets her after years of separation, he is actively approaching her and trying his best to please her.
Although it was because of her agreement with Xia Weiju, now that she thinks about it carefully, it seems that he has been trying to pay, while she has been avoiding it and hurting him, which makes him more tired and harder.
If she really loves him and loves him dearly, she should stay with him no matter what difficulties she meets, and try to find a way to go together, shouldn’t she?
In fact, she is also white in her heart. There is no one in the world who loves her more than Hua Wenxuan.
Suddenly, Liu Bai’s name came to mind.
Lu Bai?
Lu Bai! Lu Bai!

"Cough often means that a younger generation is polite to their elders. Don’t dislike things without much money."

"Anyway, if you don’t listen to what the old lady said, I have to listen."
The housekeeper pretended to pull a face and look serious, like she was very angry.
Ye Ran bent her lips and said softly, "Aunt Tang Tang won’t die. I’ll help you persuade her."
"Ok, if we talk less than everyone else, then you two can eat quickly and call the first floor if you need help. I’ll stay at home without going anywhere."
"Well, thank you, Aunt."
The housekeeper said it was time to call several servants to the building.
This scene made Tang Tang even more worried. Facing a table full of delicacies, she said, "People really can’t compare with rich people. Everyone has a human touch and knows how to warm people’s hearts, but what Dong Yan’s parents did hurt me too much."
Ye Ran was distressed to see that Tang Tang held chopsticks and gave her a piece of his favorite chicken wings to comfort him. "There will be regrets, and then you must teach them a lesson."
"If I can’t let Dong Yan go and I don’t want his little compensation."
☆, Chapter 53 Do not have enough to eat.
"Well, the idea of poverty is often not as good as that of the rich and powerful, and it is not as good as that of Niu Yi Mao’s parents." Ye Ran said lightly
"Well, let’s eat and lie down for a while and have a headache," said Tang Tang, pressing his temples.
"Didn’t sleep well last night? Still didn’t sleep at all? Such a family is not worth it. You have to live beautifully before you want them to regret it. Don’t be stupid and take good care of yourself. "
"Okay, I’ll wait for Dong Yan to see if he will contact me."
"Well, let’s see."
After the two sisters comfortably finished their meal, Tang Tang sat for a little while and said that it was not appropriate for her to go home and sleep.
Ye Ran didn’t refuse, because Gu Lengchen is a little neat, and usually doesn’t even like to let others in their bedroom. It’s all the more so because she can’t walk with an ankle injury.
If outsiders are allowed to sleep in their beds again, there is a great possibility that he will run away. It is better to do more than one thing. Ye Ran said that he had come to play and watched Tang Tang go.
The bedroom was quiet again, and she was a little tired after talking all afternoon, so she set off and lay down slowly.
After the north wind raged, Tang Tang came out of the family villa and went straight to the outside of the waterfront Haoting villa area to stop the taxi.
In a bad mood, she is too lazy to drive her own car.
"Master, please take me to the mountain."
She reported the address.
The driver turned the steering wheel and the car went out steadily.
It’s a little far to the mountain road. Tang Tang leaned back and rested with his eyes closed.
The driver is a good-looking uncle in his fifties. Seeing such a cold day, a little girl ran to the mountain for fear of her accident.
Then I opened my mouth and asked, "Little girl, what are you doing in the mountain? Didn’t even see a grass in winter to see the evergreen trees in winter and summer? "
Tang Tang smell speech slowly opened his eyes and looked at the bleak sky outside the window and said, "It’s not to blow the wind and overlook this Xinghai city."
"You little girl have some things to chat with family and friends, but don’t think it’s not easy to live."
It turned out that the driver was afraid that she would jump off a cliff and commit suicide. The imagination is really rich. Tang Tang smiled and said, "No, I won’t be back soon."
"Oh, that’s fine."
The driver said that Tang Tang didn’t pick up the words and looked out of the window. The high-rise building turned into a hillside forest and the car stopped.
"Little girl, either I wait for you here or you have to pull a car back to the city." The driver was still worried.
The world is still full of good people. "No, thank you."
Climb slowly from the steps with a bag on his arm.
The whole step is half-slope, and when you climb to the top, Tang Tang is exhausted and breathless.
"It’s really old." She laughed at herself, and her lips became more and more stiff at the back.
At present, there is a high-rise building as far as the eye can see. Her place is the highest point in Xinghai City, and the whole city is taken into account.
The mountain breeze is quite strong, and her hair is flying, and the air conditioner is drilling the cuffs. She is wrapped in a coat and still looks down.
The wind is cold and her heart is colder.
Former Dong Yan was in the hospital, and she couldn’t do anything every day. She had to concentrate on accompanying him to treat the disease, and it passed quickly.
But now she is not needed anywhere, and she completely relaxes to feel the taste of living like a year.
Dong Yan, Dong Yan, where are you?
"Boo hoo …" The mobile phone in the bag vibrates very loudly.
Tang Tang took a cold nose, zipped his fingers and took out his mobile phone.
It’s a strange number, not Xinghai, but the city next door.
She frowned and thought that she might have dialed the wrong number and didn’t answer it
From the ringing of the mobile phone to the end to the stillness.
But she didn’t expect that the person who called her seemed to be entangled with her. If she didn’t answer him, she would keep calling.
"Hello?" Can’t resist pestering her to answer

Relatively speaking, Jiang Yu is more willing to deal with the Li family.

The big family still cares about the roll call.
It’s new to Pengcheng. She and Shirley’s family have never been in contact and dare not rush forward.
But Ling Tian is different.
Whether it’s strength or medical skill.
He is not empty!
I’m sure I’ll be appreciated by Master Li!
Jiang Yu poured a pot of cold water on her in high spirits.
"Do you believe these messages?"
"These messages are all Xu Shu surveys. He won’t lie to me and he won’t lie to you …"
"Xu Qingqiu won’t lie to us who can release these news?"
Ling day sneer at a.
"Judging from the performance of the Li family, it is indeed a lot of convergence."
"Master Li’s injury looks very real."
"But what if this news is a cover-up for the Li family?"
See Jiang language or a daze ling day explained.
"What is the most important thing for a family?"
"Good is strength"
Ling Tian nodded his approval.
"If I didn’t guess wrong, Master Li’s family must be the strongest."
"If your biggest card was injured, would you try to hide it or tell others generously?"
When I heard this, Jiang Yu understood.
The news that one’s own card is injured is naturally that the tighter the cover, the better.
Wouldn’t it be difficult for you to reveal it?
"So master Li’s family isn’t hurt?"
"Not only are you not injured, but you are probably still saving your strength. Now I am afraid that there will be a breakthrough in strength."
Ling day guessed
Although it is a guess, it is also valid.
What should I do if I want to completely fight the forces that are eyeing me?
Two ways
Either directly crush the past with tough strength.
Let the other party no longer have the idea of confronting themselves.
Another way is to dress up as a pig and eat tiger, and if the other party suffers a big loss, it will definitely become cautious.
Dare not start work easily again
Shirley’s family obviously chose the latter!
The news that Xu Qingqiu brought back revealed this news.
Ling day half narrowing her eyes deep in thought.
In fact, it is not unprofitable to ask him to threaten Li’s family.
But as a result, it broke with Li’s family
Even if he won’t stay in Pengcheng, he doesn’t want to have one more enemy.
He won’t choose this method unless he has to.
In the evening, the three of them were ready to go back to their rooms after a meal and a rest.
Then Mo Nanfei rushed in covered in injuries.
"Miss Jiang quick, run …"
Words didn’t say that finish ink south fly fainted.
Ling Tian-qian checked that Mo Nanfei was seriously injured, which is not false.
He gets serious as soon as he looks.
"It seems that your enemy is more impatient than he thought."
Ling day said while looking in one direction.
I don’t know when a figure appeared there.
The other body exudes a cold breath, and the eyes are fixed on Jiang Language, which makes no secret of the turbulent murder.
"Leave it to me."
Hu Wenshu flicker blunt go to.
Chapter 13 Keep You Sick
The realm of people is a little lower than that of Hu Wenshu, and there is a later stage of the realm of deification
It is reasonable to say that Mo Nanfei should not be injured like this.

Ink Shang Tong shook his head again. "You are too far away. I’m afraid you need Fei Xianxiu."

Hua Zhen: "Then who can do it? Where can I find such an expert?"
Ke Mengchao said with a straight face, "All three of us will do."
Hua Zhen’s voice seems a little uncomfortable. He suddenly coughed and his face turned a little red. Hurry and have some tea to moisten it.
Yang Tehong: "Then let me do it … Xiaohua, what did you say to Mr. Feng that day?"
Hua Zhen line "I told Mr Dream Wind not to say anything after waking me up … Of course, I also introduced Dream Chundan and said that I was trying to refine it."
Ke Mengchao "So that’s it! You’re giving him a question, and it’s estimated that he’s reasoning, and after all, he gave a solution. "
Hua Zhen trip "I didn’t test his meaning"
Ke Mengchao "Since you said that, I’m afraid people like him have to give you an answer."
Hua Zhen trip "What kind of person is Mr. Feng?"
Yang Laotou "can be said to be not a person!"
Hua Zhen went, "Ah, is he a monster?"
Ke Mengchao "Don’t be surprised at first, Hu said that there are no monsters! This nine-turn purple elixir is the way he figured it out. "
Hua Zhenxing frowned and said, "Nine turns of Zijin Dan can make ordinary people really have the effect of staying in the face, but it is obviously not a serious way for Mr. Feng to say that it is not eating."
Old man Yang asked again, "Have you found several kinds of raw materials?"
There are six kinds of spring, summer, autumn and winter in Hua Zhen, namely, immortal core, crab claw, sand pearl, golden knotweed, white mother paste and intermittent glue.
Yang Laotou "Remember Mr. Feng reading that poem today? "Nine turns to Dan Guang Zi Wu Qi Xing Zhen Hua" and read your name upside down! The fan of air circulation may be to fan the Dan furnace, or it may be to condense the Dan key to the fan and fall into the magic.
According to the existing raw material sand raw beads, it is not necessary to take his five kinds of reality for the time being, but I can make a set of five spring pills with five colors, which have the effect of spring pills in a fixed order. "
Hua Zhenxing wondered, "So Chundan has been refined?"
Yang Tehong shook his head. "I am willing to spend mana. Of course, I can refine this kind of magic, but there are still several problems to be solved if I want to live in the face of mortals."
One is the washing method in the process of alchemy, and the other is that the final condensation method is too difficult. Even if I can practice it for how long, how much can I practice in one furnace? "
Ke Mengchao added, "The problem that needs to be solved is how to make ordinary people? Otherwise, the old Yang Zao can refine the five-qi Chundan, but those magical ordinary people can’t have four monks to help the world. "
Shang Tong, who has been thinking, suddenly asked, "Xiaohua, have you ever heard of Yaoyin?"
Hua Zhen’s trip "I’ve heard of it. Is the nine-turn purple elixir a drug introduction?"
Mo Shang Tong’s "drug introduction is divided into two types: one is to let his drug exert its curative effect, which needs to be eaten together with medicine; The other is to make his drug combination take effect during the refining process, which does not need to eat the catalyst equivalent to the chemical reaction. According to my judgment, Jiuzhuan Zijindan should be the latter. "
Yang Tehong nods, "That fan, especially the purple elixir, should be to solve the problem I mentioned just now. What should I do specifically? Wait until I sacrifice this elixir and then try to refine the five-qi spring elixir to get the answer. Mr. Feng answered Xiaohua’s question but gave us another question."
Hua Zhen’s trip: "Can you really refine the five-qi Chundan that you just said can be given to ordinary people and has the effect that I dreamed of Chundan?"
Yang Lao tou thought for a while before answering, "Try it."
Hua Zhen trip "Then I have a suggestion, so don’t make a set of five pieces in five colors. Can it be divided into 360 pieces by date?"
Yang Laotou: "Of course, the so-called five colors of Dan are still inspired by you to reduce the difficulty of refining. Otherwise, it is the most convenient for you to take a look at this nine-turn Zijin Dan. Isn’t it fragrant?"
Hua Zhen Bank "We set a production standard and specification from the beginning, so that we can connect in the future. Even if we change the prescription in the future, it is not an eye-catching refining method, but the production will still follow this specification."
Mo Shang laughed with him. "You’ve considered it for a long time, so do it."
Hua Zhen also asked, "Yang Zong sacrificed the elixir, so can he make the elixir refine the five-qi spring elixir in the future?"
Yang Tehong: "The theory is so, that’s my artifact, but I can brand my soul to you. You can also play its wonderful role by offering an alchemy pill according to law. This is the artifact."
Hua Zhen trip "I see. Then you can give it to me directly after the sacrifice. It’s hard work."
Yang Tehong "I haven’t finished yet! If you can’t repair the stick of the artifact, you can stab people as a pike. Is this elixir going to be used as a projectile to hit people?
You can try to sacrifice and refine the artifact and master some wonderful things. Only after the six realms are repaired can you finish the sacrifice and refine the artifact. "
Hua Zhen’s trip at the moment has already finished listening to understand that the nine-turn purple elixir is not the first embryo of the artifact. If you want to sacrifice the artifact, you must be a flying fairy, and the three old people are actually much lower in accepting the artifact bearer after this step is completed. Four-realm cultivation can be partially mastered, but six-realm cultivation can be completed.
Hua Zhen Bank "If the test is successful, can it be mass-produced?"
Yang Tehong: "Of course, don’t even think about mass production, but there is no problem with small-scale refining. There is no shortage of recoverable quantities for those kinds of raw materials. Many keys depend on who can refine the five-gas spring pills?" At present, I can personally make a set of 360 pieces according to your suggestion, and make a few hundred sets according to the date. "
Mo Shang Tong: "There should be no problem, even more depends on whether Lao Yang can give it strength!"
Ke Mengchao: "Since it is refined according to this specification, now we should find ways to promote and publicize this thing. It will take 30 to 60 years to be recognized by the world, and it is impossible to just find a group of people and wait for decades before saying that they are Chundan. No one will believe that they are the kind of people who have the power to speak."
Yang Tehong suddenly sighed, "The coagulation effect of white mother paste, a medicine for continuous pulse gluing, is suitable for women."
Mo Shang Tong: "Can I change a prescription to make it suitable for both men and women?"
Yang Tehong: "Of course, but that wouldn’t meet Xiaohua’s requirements. It’s extremely precious and rare to replace the white mother paste and the continuous vein glue refining method with the magic medicine, which is more difficult and limits the mass production. Is it possible for you to mass-produce Jiuzhuan Zijindan?"
Mo Shang Tong and Ke Mengchao stopped talking, but Hua Zhenxing blinked and said, "I have a very good candidate to go to Xuanchundan as her identity, and the effect should be very good."
Yang Laotou: "That’s definitely not Maman. Who else do you know?"
Hua Zhen Bank sold a "I don’t know it yet, I won’t tell you when the time comes."
Yang Tehong stared, "Love talks or not! From today on, all nine Dan furnaces in the kitchen belong to me. You can’t touch them again. "
Hua Zhen line "How can you cook?"
Yang Tehong "There is a noodle restaurant and a canteen outside. It’s up to you."
Mo Shang Tong said in distress situation, "Xiaohua, you should have changed a new cooker."
Locke hid in palm manor, of course, and missed the banquet at noon today. Lianna sent him several messages through social software, but Locke didn’t reply, and he didn’t want feedback.
This afternoon, Lianna’s account name was changed from "June 5th Forest Grassland" to Lianna’s name, and then a message was sent "How do you think it should be returned to the Fogen Foundation?"

Twelve reincarnation?

Li Han some want to vomit, but also let Shen Mu help him transform the mecha supporting function to want to talk back.
When the Shenshui Ape space battleship took off, Li Han suddenly laughed.
It seems good to make Ji Xinghe a federal owner.
If you can’t become a federal god, how can you unite those politicians and capitalists to obstruct the goal of destroying the empire?
This war should not be left to a generation.
After Li Han’s firm will, he led a team to attack and shifted the focus of Base No.5 from the western theater.
Two thousand imperial mecha attacked in a big way, and the number of them was similar to that of an imperial mecha. But this time they didn’t take a horse to win.
Space battleship Ji Xinghe, who owns the Ping ‘an, can return to the No.5 base from the western theater for support, but Ji Xinghe is fighting at this time. Even if he can finish the No.5 base war, how can he have the physical strength to participate in a high-intensity battle immediately?
Moreover, if Ji Xinghe appears in the No.5 base war zone, the western war zone will inevitably face imperial attack again.
Have your cake and eat it?
No one knows that it has been quiet since Alnilam took off, and the moon and the stars suddenly laughed behind Rong Xinyue.
Ji Rong Xinyue could hear her laugh, but because Su He and Shen Mu were in charge of protecting her guard yard, she couldn’t directly ask Xingyue to withdraw her own hand from Shen Mu and scratched her head and made a gesture.
The moon and the moon understood it and explained
"Yan Yan, I want to fight."
Ji Rongxinyue still didn’t respond, let go and made another gesture.
Xingyue laughed even more. If Ji Rong Xinyue didn’t wear headphones with bone conduction function, Su He and Shen Mu might be able to hear him.
Ji Rong Xin Yue said to pay attention to safety.
After laughing, the moon and the stars said softly, "Don’t worry, I won’t continue to fight. I will kill as much as I killed in this war, and I won’t kill more than the master."
So the question is, how much has Ji Xinghe killed in this battle?
He didn’t kill any of them, because he didn’t want to break them. Compared with breaking the protective armor of the imperial mecha cockpit, it is much smaller and less when attacking with strength.
But whether it’s the people watching the war at the No.5 base, the people in the western war zone or the people who are paying attention to the Nantianmen.
They all regard Ji Xinghe’s damage as a break.
"Two hundred general Ji Xinghe alone broke two hundred imperial mecha!"
At the same time, the same report sounded a lot in many places, and people finally realized that Ji Xinghe had broken 200 imperial mecha when facing the siege of thousands of imperial mecha alone.
That’s a bit exaggerated, because the number of mecha who can attack Ji Xinghe Empire at the same time can’t exceed six, and those who have fired on Ji Xinghe are not more than ten.
Not thousands of imperial mecha siege.
But all the people watching the war don’t think this statement is exaggerated, they will
God punished armour, worthy of the name.
At present, the Federation has and has a galaxy-level mecha worthy of the name.
The mountain with the highest personal force in the human world is worthy of its name.
Ji Xinghe’s independent group battle still failed to gain a significant advantage at this time. Ji Xinghe is still in the stage of being besieged alone. God punishes armor and is equipped with The six great divisions in the wheel of karma’s high-energy laser weapon system. After repeatedly destroying the imperial mecha camera, it will soon lose its power.
Divided into nine teams, the Imperial Mecha Independent Regiment was constantly impacted, but it still failed to tear even a bite.
But people are inexplicably convinced that the independent regiment will win this battle.
Just as people’s mentality changed because of the strength shown by Ji Xinghe, the misfortune appeared again
Those who have been hiding in the imperial mecha formation duke mecha finally action.
Fortunately and frightening, the goal of the Duke-level imperial mecha is not to be besieged by Ji Xinghe, but to be divided into nine independent groups.
The intelligence immediately gave the independent regiment a constant charge and retreat, and the independent regiment made a decision to make the western theater command law understand.
Watched a duke-level imperial mecha appeared, but the independent group on the periphery of the imperial mecha formation looked at it like it was completely unaware. Qin Tong, Harris, blind and lame, the four of them had a trump card, and the exclusive mecha captain did not appear for the first time.
Want to avoid the duke mecha?
People in the western theater command came up with this idea, but before they thought about whether the nine teams of the independent regiment could avoid this duke-level mecha and the other three were about to appear on the periphery of the imperial mecha formation, an independent regiment mecha team launched a charge.

The west cool army swarmed and launched an attack on Jan.

Wang Yue was startled.
Although he is a great fencing master, surrounded by an army, he will definitely lose his temper on the spot.
Wang Yue’s realm is good, and the ape fencing is superb, but after all, he has not reached the height of "A Qing" in the pre-Qin period
Chen Yan’s foot gently stepped on the ground, and a pike jumped up and fell into his hand at the foot of a shock.
There is a saying that an inch is long, an inch is strong and an inch is short.
The pike is long enough
Is very suitable for war cold weapon.
The lethality is more fierce than that of the sword. Being valued by the sword, there is still a chance of being stabbed by a pike, that is, bleeding through a blood hole will not only lead to death.
Of course, it’s not killing people to have a pike in your hand.
Chen Yan doesn’t have any gun skills. He took a pike and attacked himself "casually" as if he were holding an ordinary stick.
He achieved maximum effect with minimum strength.
The wrist, arm, calf and other parts of the officers and men of the West Cool Army will be numb if they are pointed to by the long gun of Chen Yan, and they will lose their fighting power immediately. The long gun of Chen Yan wields the ghosting image of Zhonghua Road, and no West Cool Army can get close to Chen Yan.
No one will be surprised that Chen Yan can deal with hundreds of people because there was a precedent when he broke into the Prime Minister’s Office alone in Luoyang City.
However, when 2,000 people fell down the gun of Chen Yan, everyone was not calm. Chen Yan maintained a very relaxed and comfortable state from the beginning and has not changed since now.
Breath confusion?
Shortness of breath?
It didn’t happen after Chen Yanshen went there. Chen Yanzhen could have knocked down ten thousand people.
Gradually, the soldiers of Xiliang Army hesitated.
Is Chen Yan really mortal? He is a fairy! If we ordinary people can be against the gods? It is not necessarily good to deal with Lyu3 bu4 and Wang Yueguan by dint of numbers, but it is not necessarily good to deal with Ulrich.
If people hesitate, they will retreat and stop being brave.
Chen Yanchang shot back a tall soldier of Xiliang Army and no one attacked him again.
Ulrich will pike conveniently still said quietly, "can we stop here? If you don’t, you will continue to accompany Chen Mou. "
Li Jue looked at the expressions of the men and knew that he couldn’t fight again. If the two armies were at war, Xiliang Army was really not afraid.
Lu Bu’s hand soldiers are equally brave, especially those trained by Seibel. The trap camp is the elite among the elite, but they may all suffer when facing the West Cool Army.
It’s too shocking and incredible for Chen Yan to resist an army alone. No one wants to compete with Chen Yan’s extraordinary strength.
Li Jue waved his hand and the army retreated like the tide.
"Mr. Chen, do you still keep your promise?" Li Jue took a deep breath and asked
Arihiko nods, "Of course it counts."
Li Jue said, "Well, the Xiliang army will give it to Mr. Wang for three days. I hope the emperor and the court can give us an explanation."
Ulrich smiled and said, "It’s not three days and twelve hours."
Li Jue held a fuels to the lyricist, and Guo Si withdrew from the palace and returned to the barracks with the west cool army. After being knocked down by the lyricist for half an hour, his body will naturally recover.
Chen Yan walked over to Wang Yun.
Yun3 got a fright, stepped back, mustered up courage and cried, "Ulrich, what do you want? You can do whatever you want without relying on your martial arts skills. Do you still want to kill the old lady? "
Not reasonable.
The more Wang Yun yells, the more timid he is.
Ulrich said, "Wang Situ put a heavy emphasis on Chen Mou. If you want to die just now, you won’t stop the West Cool Army. Even at this moment, you have been cut into a pulp. Chen Mou has never fought evil with martial arts. No one can do what he wants. Wang Situ, you have 12 hours to arrange the funeral. After 12 hours, the emperor and the court will give you a public trial. Whether you are dead or alive, I say it’s not the West Cool Army. It’s not the big fellow. National law has the final say."
Wang Yun shivered and cried, "I am a high-ranking Stuart. Who dares to judge me?"
Arihiko shook his head and didn’t speak again.
It’s ridiculous that Wang Yun is still showing a high attitude.
Zhang Liao, Seibel and Jia Xu finally arrived at them, but they returned to the city as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, they were still too late to catch up with the surprise of doing sth.
Lyu3 bu4 ruthlessly stared at Zhang Liao and seibel.
Wang Yun left the palace with some civilian ministers.
Jia Xu asked Ulrich, "Do you want to send everyone to stare at Yun3? He is likely to flee Chang ‘an."
Ulrich shook his head and said, "No, Yun3 is still lucky enough to be altruistic. Besides, no one can escape from Chang ‘an. Yun3 must be tried by the court or the court will be abolished."
"Mr. Wenhe, let’s go home. We have something to do for twelve hours. It’s not an easy task to collect and sort out Wang Yun’s major evidence."
Jia Xu slightly respectful way "is the master".
Chapter 595 Serve first and then defect.
No one will think that Wang Yun will be able to make a comeback this time. Wang Yun, a person who has not gained arrogance, has learned a lot of intrigue.

Hundreds and a half meters long rats and beasts around were instantly dismembered.

Lu Gang is happy. "There is a super strong person coming. It is a spiritual teacher!"
At the moment, a teenager wearing coarse linen and long hair is holding a sword beside Lu Gang.
The bearer is Chen Yan.
It’s dark around. Rats and beasts lie prone and stop attacking.
They seem to encounter something terrible.
Lu Gang fainted when he saw that there was a peerless strong man to save himself.
Chen Yan looks southwest, which is the direction of the mouse king.
Chen Yan spirit to rat Wang xin said, "I know you have the wisdom to understand me, otherwise you won’t bite this human God of War-level strong man and let the rat tide recede, otherwise I will kill all your departments. You know I have this ability."
Rat king hesitates
The flying sword has the universe element, which can warm up and change its size with its mind.
Chen Yan’s mind turned a three-foot-long flying sword into a two-inch-long toothpick as thin as a needle.
a moment
The two-inch flying sword seems to have disappeared
The flying sword runs at an extreme speed, which exceeds the visual limit of the naked eye. The flying sword penetrates a rat’s head like tofu and kills them with great resistance.
Flying sword runs too fast.
Around like a flood, rats and animals fell and died piece by piece.
Three miles in Fiona Fang is the range of Yan Yan’s perception.
In this range, the number of rats and beasts can be easily killed.
Thirty miles away, the mouse king gave a roar.
Then the rat tide receded
The mouse king knows that this human super strong is not something he can provoke.
Chen Yan’s killing method is not enough for him to kill even if there are more rats and beasts.
Three days after Lu Gang woke up again, he was lying in Chen Yan’s residence.
After Chen Yan’s treatment, Lu Gang’s injury stabilized and he recovered his life, but Chen Yan had no choice but to break his arm.
Although Chen Yan’s medical skills are mysterious, he has not yet reborn his broken arm.
Lu Gang’s arm has long been eaten by rats and beasts, and it is impossible to get it back.
Chen Yanzheng looked at the brain data. He turned around and said with a smile, "Wake up, you have been asleep for three days. Your physical fitness is strong enough and your self-recovery ability is good. If ordinary people are so badly injured by you and have lost so much blood, my medical skills will be high and I will save you."
Lu Gang asked, "You saved me. Who are you?"
Chen Yan said "Chen Yan"
"Chen Yan?" Lu Gang was shocked. "You are Chen Yan, the mysterious strong man who created the ultimate guidance!"
Chen Yan said gently, "Don’t get excited. Don’t get excited. You are the most afraid of excessive mood swings. You need to recover calmly. If your injury gets worse, you will find trouble for me because I have to save you again."
Lu Gang is lying in bed and closing his eyes, but his emotions just can’t be calmed down. Since the appearance of "Recuperation", almost all the players have guessed who this mysterious super strong is.
I didn’t expect Chen Yan to be a teenager wearing simple long hair.
Lu Gang was so shocked.
"Teacher, I’m coming."
Yang Wu wore a green school uniform and ran to the sixth floor. He has the strength of a warrior. It is relatively easy for him to walk through the wilderness.
In the past two days, Yang Wu has been taking a special soldier to clear the rat tide until today. When he has, he will come out of the base city to visit his teacher.
Just entered the door
Yang Wu saw Lu Gang lying in bed and asked, "Who’s this, teacher?"
Chen Yan said to Lu Gang, "Oh, by the way, I don’t know your name yet."
Lu Gang said, "My name is Lu Gang."
Yang Wu was shocked. "Are you a senior of Lu Gang?"
Jiangnan base city
"Hero Hall"

Shura Shenjun smiled coldly "joke!"

Feng Luo went on to say, "If it weren’t for Yu Zhen and Jing Xuan, I wouldn’t miss this opportunity. Unfortunately, I promised Yu Zhen to sleep in Tianshan Hot Springs for 1000 years, and then I will be born again to see if you can stop me again?"
Sleep? A thousand years? Ling Mo’s pupil, Xiaoxi and Brahma Xuan all opened their mouths in surprise.
"Yes, and Yu Zhen has agreed to accompany me and accompany the ghost family to sleep together. This was our agreement three thousand years ago." Feng Luo said quietly.
"Is it true?" Shura looked at Yu Zhen in disbelief.
Feather Zhen nodded. "Yes, yes, I volunteered to accompany Fengluo Hall to sleep in Tianshan Hot Springs. This is what I promised him in my previous life. I have to fulfill my promise."
Ling Mo’s green eyes became like deep pools. "Then what do you promise me?" Always proud and conceited, Shura Shenjun will feel like a knife at this time.
Feather bow, I’m afraid my tears will drip for a long time. She looks up. "I owe you back!"
Feng Luo smiled. "Well, then please go to Tianshan Hot Springs to witness our final sleep!" He made an invitation gesture quite gracefully and led the ghost clan to the back hill.
All the ghosts and gods in the underworld look for the opinions of Ling Mo Pupil. Shura Shen Jun paused and said, "Let’s follow."
Chapter one hundred and ninety-five You are not my goddess
This is a huge hot spring, like a bead embedded in a wide cave behind Tianshan Mountain.
The steam curling spring is clear and the bottom of the spring can be seen at a glance.
Feng Luo waved Fei Ying and Lan Xue led many vampires to the hot spring first, then children, then women and then men. After they entered the hot spring, they closed their eyes quietly with their hands on their knees.
After a long sleep, they won’t eat here and don’t have to wake up for a long time. They are so peaceful and quiet as if they were fetuses in the mother’s body.
Feng Luo said lightly to Shura Shenjun and others, "After we sleep, unicorns will seal this cave. After 1000 years, we will wake up. At that time, maybe the world will still be us. Maybe we will fight. Now I can say that I regret it for a long time."
Shura Shenjun deeply stared at the wind and said, "I want to say a few more words with Feather."
The wind nodded "please"
Ling Mo’s pupil stretched out his hand to Feather. Feather hesitated and followed everyone in the underworld to the outside of the cave.
Ling Mo’s pupil suddenly hugged the feather’s shoulder tightly. Two lines of clear tears flowed from his blue eyes. He put his cheek on the feather’s shoulder and the tears soaked the feather’s clothes.
"This is the first time that I shed tears and the last time." He gently kissed Feather’s ear. "Don’t forget me." Feather bit her lip and held back her tears. She nodded. "I … won’t forget."
Chloe and Fengluo Cave coldly stared at Feather Beard and Shura Shenjun, and Chloe held back her anger and said to Fengluo, "When the Feather Beard enters the cave, quickly implant the memory stone into her body to restore the memory of Tiannv Jingxuan, so that she won’t feel pain. She and you are still in love."
After listening to Chloe’s words, Feng Luo was noncommittal. He didn’t speak. He quietly looked at the blood-red memory stone in his hand for a long time, flashing red light lightly.
Feather and Shura Shenjun, Xiaoxi, Brahma Xuan, and Zili said goodbye. She looked back at Ling Mo’s pupil and finally turned her head to the mouth of the cave. Feng Luo stood tall and straight at the mouth of the cave.
Wind Luo and I told myself this.
Feather’s eyes were red and she was about to walk into the mouth of the cave. Unexpectedly, something happened. Luo suddenly looked up and leaned against one side of the mouth of the cave. At the same time, she raised a long leg to pedal the other side to stop the feather.
Feather Zhen froze. She didn’t know what Bai Fengluo was doing.
"The wind you …" Feather pastor zhang two monks scratching their heads even Chloe behind the wind is one leng all people don’t know what the wind is up to.
Feng Luo’s bloody eyes silently stared at the feather. His voice was a little sad, which was a bit out of place with his domineering. "Feather doesn’t have to go into the hole. You don’t have to accompany me to sleep."
Feather pastor paused "wind I …"
Feng Luo waved his hand. He straightened his body and gently hugged his feathered shoulders. He bowed his head and his handsome face was disappointed. He gave a wry smile. "I won’t break my word. I said I would sleep, but I don’t need you to accompany me."
Feather Zhen pulls Feng Luo’s skirt. "What? I said that I am willing to accompany you all the time. "
Feng Luo gently took up the feather hand, and his slender fingers gently touched the delicate jade skin of the feather and shook his head with a smile. "Forget it, you are not our goddess. You are completely different from Jingxuan. You have your own personality and soul. You are not her. I don’t want to stay with you. I don’t want to make you sad, and I don’t want to see you cry."
Feather can’t believe my ears. Is this what Feng Luo said? She was equally surprised by her wide eyes and Chloe behind her.
Feng Luo went on to say, "Maybe you are very strange, and I am surprised myself, because it is not my personality at all. Maybe I have always been selfish and arrogant. Maybe Peacock Princess Pei Lengxi woke me up? When they have to let go "
Feather pastor felt that her throat was a little tight, and her voice was a little choked. "But I … Feng Luo gently held her in his arms, and his lips gently kissed her forehead." Be obedient and go with Shura Shenjun first, and I will find you first. "He gently wore a feather pastor’s neck on the red memory stone in his hand." I didn’t touch her at all, and I didn’t have the habit of desecrating the goddess. "Feng Luo smiled low.
After that, he loosened his feather and charming body and walked back to the cave without looking back. He nodded to the unicorn and fell. Shura Shenjun quickly pulled the feather and fell away from the mouth of the cave and recited the spell. With the thunderous sound, several huge stones fell on the roof of the cave and quickly blocked the mouth of the cave from the dust and snowflakes in the hot spring cave for a long time.

Su Zhi Mo left Su Shiyuan with a long sigh and leaned against the door panel.

This Qin Kai is really a bully. When Su Shiyuan Yu Nu didn’t go away, there was a splash of water in the bath bucket behind the screen.
Men’s clothes were wet with bath water, and their perfect muscles and lines were revealed the moment he stepped out of the bath bucket.
Su Shiyuan deliberately gently coughed to hide his embarrassment at the moment, and then wiped his face and then twisted the clothes.
"Luca brasi" Chu came to her and called for a moment. He quickly jumped into Su Shiyuan’s bath water and suppressed it for a while.
Su Shiyuan looked back, and the boy’s wet hair was naughty and sticky, and his handsome face was even more charming, but she really admired him for holding his breath.
"Why?" Su Shiyuan turned her head and asked her face with a suspicious blush. It seems that after what happened just now, most of her anger has disappeared. It’s wonderful. She doesn’t know what it is herself.
"Don’t be mad at me, okay? I will love you so much. "The man stretched out his hand and grabbed her sleeve, just like Su Shiyuan who begged for candy to eat children. He couldn’t help laughing.
"Yuaner, do you forgive me?" Chu Lin’s heart was a little excited with joy.
"I’ll forgive you for drinking a lot of bath water." Su Shiyuan looked carefully and it was quite pitiful that the male body water had wetted the surrounding ground.
"I am the best!" Chu Lin was so happy that he stretched out his long arm and wanted to hug her. Unexpectedly, Su Shiyuan dodged his warm embrace.
"I forgive you, but from today we are good friends and your clothes are wet. I’ll find some clean clothes for you. Wait!" Su Shiyuan’s words fell very flustered and ran inside.
Chu Lin breathed a sigh of relief that she could not be angry. Before, she was always a buddy, but after what happened to Lv Yanzhong, they couldn’t return to the original point.
She is jealous and her temper is very clear. Look at her eyes at the moment, and her lip angle extends with an intoxicating arc.
"Here, put it on quickly." Just as Chu was thinking, he saw Su Shiyuan coming out of the inner room holding a suit.
Chu Lin nodded and then took the suit and walked to the screen. After a burst of finely broken sound, the man slowly came out from behind the screen. Su Shiyuan heard the footsteps and turned around and laughed!
Chapter 83 Don’t mess with my woman
Chu Lin was so delighted to see her smile that she looked down at her dress. This suit is Su Shiyuan who goes out to wear men’s clothes on weekdays.
Su Shiyuan is already very tall among girls, and Nai Nan is taller. She wears this dress and barely wraps herself up. From a distance, it looks like a child’s clothes are small, and her calves and arms are exposed.
"No, no, I’ll call someone to get you a suit." Su Shiyuan tried to hold back her smile and almost endured a cramp in her stomach, but when she turned around, she still laughed a little unkind.
ChuLin pulled pull clothes pendulum saw her heart suddenly feel My Sweetie.
"It’s great to have nothing to do with Yuaner!" Su Shiyuan turned around and the moment the man reached out and grabbed her tender little hand, Su Shiyuan suddenly felt his heart beat faster and hurriedly pulled out his hand.
"That’s all right." In retrospect, Su Shiyuan felt that this anger was a bit puzzling. It must be because she didn’t sleep well recently.
Uh-huh, it must be so. Su Shiyuan thought sadly that it was a good thing that he didn’t say anything else.
"You are quick to go. They have seen your whereabouts tonight. I think Qin Kaicheng already knows that the black dress person is you. This is a blow to your power in the DPRK. Second, it is necessary to destroy my innocence. This engagement will be automatically lifted." Su Shiyuan had guessed that the result would be like this when she heard that the group of guards signed up.
He has always recognized himself as a passive Nuo Nuo, who can wish him great success without delaying him to marry more women. It is still tolerable to be ugly, but since she made an enemy with Qin Lingyu, that guy has been cruel and wants to eradicate her. Su Shiyuan is also like a mirror about this matter.
"I really like to tell that Qin Kai face to face and leave my woman alone!" There is cold light in Qin Kaichu’s eyes like a deep pool, and the tone is also cold.
In the heart of Chu, I secretly count the days to bully him, Luca brasi, and all of them will be doubled back!
"hey! If you do this again, we won’t get along. "Su Shiyuan poked his exposed little arm and looked up at him with some red face.
Chu Lin was really amused by her little appearance. She stretched out her hand and scratched her nose. Then she jumped to the window and stretched out her hand and hit Su Shiyuan. The lock inside the window was sealed. A flicker jumped from the house to the outside.
Chu Lin recalled his lip angle and blinked at him, then disappeared into the dark night.
Khan Didi is still a guy who likes to play handsome!
Su Shiyuan looked at the window with her arm in her arms. It’s not right! She didn’t say she wouldn’t give him the door, either. As the saying goes, what is a door that doesn’t take the door and jumps out of the window?
Ahem, it seems that he has contracted this jumping over the wall.
Some people are in a good mood and others are in a bad mood. After returning to the residence of Chu from the palace, Lv Yanzhong said nothing. Lv Yuzhang knew that she must be too sad to bear to complain about anything.
"Princess, don’t be sad. There are many outstanding men who are not worth it." Lv Yanzhong’s personal servant girl came over with a bowl of ginseng soup and was overturned by Lv Yanzhong before she put it on the table!
"Don’t you dare say that again, or I’ll tear your mouth off!" In Lv Yanzhong’s slender eyes, generate was angry, and the little girl was scared out of her wits without saying anything.
It seems that she really loves it badly. That’s not the case before the Prince of Chu came! The girl slapped her mouth and thought that her cheeks were swollen high.
"He has a will. He has a will. Who is so blessed?" Lv Yanzhong sat back in the chair only late. It seems that the whole person has lost weight for a circle. In my heart, I keep guessing who Chu Lin is watching.
After last night’s thrilling experience in the Prime Minister’s mansion, everything was calm again.
Su Shiyuan had a good night’s sleep, and was surprised to find that the sun was even better today than usual. Su Shiyuan turned over and smelled the aroma of soybean milk and pasta.
"Is the princess awake?" Xianer put the tray in his hand on the table and noticed that Su Shiyuan had turned over and leaned over to look at her side.
Su Shiyuan raised his arm and put it on the bright forehead. The long eyelashes trembled slightly for a few times, and then he turned over and hugged and refused to let go.
"It’s time to go back to the country," Xianer replied.

Not surprisingly, more than 400 people can safely return to Danyang Gate.

Xiao Ning successfully accepted several ancient books of alchemy from the hall of alchemy.
Bringing these ancient books back to Danyang Gate will inevitably make Danyang Gate look up and rise in status.
The next day, all the clan forces, such as Danyang Gate, Qianhe Gate, Tomb Sect and Puppet Sect, left here and returned to Xuantiancheng.
Most monks have achieved their goals in this ancient battlefield trip.
After a while, everyone will choose to practice in the peace of mind Xuan Tiancheng until the expiration of one year.
Su Mo also closed the seventh pulse.
As time goes by, Su Mo has been in the ancient battlefield for half a year.
A few days ago, he just got through the seventh pulse and his strength rose again.
To continue to practice Su Mo, it is possible to practice to the peak of seven veins before leaving the ancient battlefield.
After returning to the perfect pulse Dan after a big week, he will have the opportunity to get through the first spiritual pulse and become a monk who runs through the odd meridians!
Pulse penetration is the foundation of dzogchen will become an elixir!
And there must be a vision when condensing the elixir!
Of course, this is before everything goes well.
No one can fix the truth to ensure a smooth journey, and no one can predict what will happen in this process.
In this day, there was a sudden thunder and lightning, and a horrible and terrible coercion came to the ancient battlefield instantly!
All is silent!
When it seems to be solidified.
All creatures in the ancient battlefield, whether they are ancient relics or pure blood fierce beasts, honestly fell on the ground and were silent, and their eyes showed all their fears.
This is the fear from ancient times, which is far away but deeply rooted.
The ancient battlefields were all over the wild mainland, and all the super-clansmen appeared in succession and looked up at the middle school, showing shock.
Several monks woke up from the closed one after another.
Is it Danyang Gate and Qianhemen or Tomb Sect and Puppet Sect in the Xuan Tian Cheng?
At this moment, all the monks felt something and came to the roof of the strip to overlook it.
Many monks looked aghast and dumbfounded.
Even Liang Bo, the body seal, opened his mouth and an incredible light broke out in his eyes.
The center of the sky is suddenly changed!
Dark clouds covered the sea of clouds, rolling and surging, slowly rotating to form a huge black cloud vortex, which was extremely shocking.
This sea of clouds is full of Lei Guang snakes, and a fiery ocean of thunder is formed in the dense sea of clouds.
The closer you get to the center of the vortex, the denser the thunder becomes!
Thunder is rolling and light is blazing.
It seems that there is a giant coming from the whirlpool of the sea of clouds!
"This is …"
Su Mo stepped up and looked up at the sky, his eyes shining with Zhan Ran’s divine light.
The breath coming from the center of the sea of clouds vortex is terrible and heart-rending!
This coercion enveloped Su Mo’s heart and gave birth to a sense of humbleness and insignificance, almost to worship!
Some monks can’t bear it, but they have already knelt down and looked frightened.
Gradually, a huge square slate cage emerged in the center of the whirlpool, and the wilderness seemed to crush everything in the ancient battlefield!