Fortunately, Mu Qingxue doesn’t know that this cold smile thinks of himself as a monkey, otherwise he must know why flowers are so red …

After Hanxiao left, Hanxiao sent a letter to the porch baby early the next morning, and then Mu Qingxue came to the private courtyard of Prince Chen with a black face for the simple reason that this smelly little porch baby betrayed her …
He went to jathyapple Winery and promised to meet XuanYuanChen, and then woke her up from her dream early in the morning …
Just when she was about to get angry, she said that she wanted to go out with Xiaobai, and something happened to douse her anger …
Suomu Qingxue will appear here. She stormed into the courtyard, but … Where is she?
Damn it, is she being played? It’s agreed that people have been waiting for her here, and now she’s come for a fragrance, okay? Angry Yu Muqing snow suddenly thought of another thing …
Well, there are so many mysterious treasures in this courtyard that I don’t seem to tell her where they are.
IQ … Is her IQ as high as Mount Everest just dropping to the Somali Trench again?
How come when she meets XuanYuanChen, something always goes wrong! Wood clear snow regardless of the 3721 directly from the hospital into a room at the moment looking annoyed face staring blankly …
And a slender figure in the room opposite Mu Qingxue is so elegant, sitting in a window seat. Amber eyes are interesting to look at the tiny lip angle of the annoyed beautiful figure opposite with a mocking smile …
Let her wait. I didn’t think this girl would be soft enough to see herself. It’s really rare …
And XuanYuanChen line of sight is too hot. It’s hard to ignore MuQingXue in the opposite box …
It’s a pleasant feeling to think that this man was defeated by Muqing Snow in his son’s hands, but I can’t swallow this tone when I think of my baby. To say that this father and son are really their own way to go …
In fact, when she just sat down, she realized that the person in the opposite room should be XuanYuanChen, but she wanted to see how the man across the street reacted when he saw himself here …
But that damn man is sitting there staring at himself and looking at the wool! Never seen a beautiful woman?
I think that if I don’t fix XuanYuanChen today, I’ll be pestered by Xuan Baobei. I can get up and push the door proudly at the moment …
At this time, XuanYuanChen was sitting in that chair, looking at the broken door, and Mu Qingxue’s face was full of smiles. This guy was deliberately. At this time, Mu Qingxue said, "Don’t you know how to treat guests?"
Smell speech XuanYuanChen didn’t speak is staring at the wood shine snow gas extremely corrupt appearance don’t say it’s really funny …
Looking at XuanYuanChen this extremely owe flat appearance MuQingXue is suddenly want to turn around and walk away but was stopped by the XuanYuanChen first …
"Report, what are you doing?" Wood clear snow light asked
Smell speech XuanYuanChen looked at MuQingXue simply replied "nothing!"
"Report since it’s okay what are you doing in my way? Can’t you kidnap! " Wood shine snow angry don’t want to tone say at the moment
Looking at Mu Qingxue’s attitude and expression in XuanYuanChen’s eyes is batting practice to the extreme! If it was someone else, he would have waved his fist in the past, regardless of whether you are a man or a woman. If you dare to provoke his roots, you are looking for death …
However, only when facing this woman, he can get stuck in his heart no matter how big the fire is, and this knowledge makes him even more angry …
Just when I saw her, I still had some smiles. Why did I let myself fly into a rage in such a short time? This damn girl let her emotions get out of control every time I saw her, but this cognition made this body report XuanYuanChen all at a loss …
"Miss wood, I am very busy! If you have nothing to say, don’t continue to wave me! Please go back! " Xuanyuanchen said coldly at the moment
"Are you threatening me?" Muqingxue looked at the opposite face with disdain and said, "batting practice Uber face"
"What do you think!" XuanYuanChen eyebrow way
Mu Qingxue was furious after hearing this, but it was wonderful to hide this bad mood after thinking about the jathyapple wine shop …
Looking at XuanYuanChen now more and more black face MuQingXue also know that playing dead is definitely her own, no longer be son continue wordy MuQingXue good submit to humiliation at the moment …
At this time, his expression has returned to the usual LengLi casually as if the man on the edge of rage just now was not him …
Mu Qingxue secretly gave a thumbs-up in his heart. It’s really an acting school. In modern times, this report is definitely the best actor …
However, I can hear from the words of Chen Wang Ye that although I don’t know how much this guy has found out, there must be definite evidence to doubt that I thought of it here. Mu Qingxue looked at Chen Wang Ye and said, "Chen Wang Ye, what if I tell the truth?"
Hearing this, XuanYuanChen looked at Mu Qingxue and nodded and said, "Miss Mu, don’t worry, since I said that, it’s a word recalled!"
After hearing this XuanYuanChen words, that MuQingXue looked XuanYuanChen one eye, and then the corners of the mouth bent out of a beautiful radian …
Looking at the wood sunny snow with some playful smile at the moment XuanYuanChen is look at the wood sunny snow mouth asked "what? Do not believe it? "
Hearing this, Mu Qingxue dared to look at that XuanYuanChen mouth and said, "Believe me!"
But that being said, but XuanYuanChen how don’t feel a little sincere meaning? At the moment, it’s looked up the wood clear snow this damn girl is still a little batting practice …
At this point the wood clear snow is looked at the eyes XuanYuanChen mouth way "want to know is not impossible but I also want you to promise me one thing? Do you know if Lord Chen promised or not? "
Xuanyuanchen looked at Muqing Xuekou at the moment and said, "I can promise you this if you tell the truth, but if it’s not true, Miss Muqing will blame the king!"
I’m quite satisfied with this discussion, but I still look at XuanYuanChen. "Don’t you ask me if I have any requirements, Lord Chen?"
Smell speech XuanYuanChen looked at MuQingXue with a confident face. It is estimated that this girl is giving her a break, but she looked at MuQingXue’s mouth and said, "If you want to tell the truth, nothing else is a matter!"
This made this Mu Qingxue’s heart and face flash with surprise, but it was lost in a flash. At this time, he came to this XuanYuanchen with a hard face, but he still said, "Let me be honest. In fact, it was too much for me to kill!"
Hearing this Mu Qingxue personally admitted that XuanYuanChen had already concluded that it was what she did, but it was nothing to make a fuss about. But when XuanYuanChen was preparing his mouth, Mu Qingxue beat him to it and said, "That Chen report, as you know, is a tit for tat!"
Smell speech that XuanYuanChen did know something about this girl, but after all, it’s too good to come up with such a big way and almost make yourself a pawn. Otherwise, XuanYuanFeng will have to stay in this palace …
Chenwangfu private residence
"Master, here we come!" A beautiful man interrupted cold meditation …
Han Xiao turned to see a man and a woman came in side by side …
The man is dressed in a purple brocade robe with Phnom Penh hair at the cuff neckline, and naturally tied up in a bun with a jade crown. His bearing is natural and unrestrained, which is somewhat cynical and piquant …
He is very handsome, with heavy eyebrows and bright eyes, and there is a ray of depth in his eyes, which makes people feel that he is not as simple as it seems.
Sculpture-perfect facial features and exquisite appearance belong to a very enchanting man. He has a natural elegance and dignity, but a pair of excessively cold eyes make this elegance almost indifferent and elegant …
The woman around her is a blue dress, petite and exquisite. She is suddenly immortal and refined, and her temperament is as cold and arrogant as a clear spring …
If the skin coagulates fat and the hair is only tied in a bun with a white jade hairpin, the black, soft and bright hair hangs over the waist and is cold and elegant …
The female face is clear and beautiful, the eyes are white, the teeth are bright, the nose is beautiful, the cherry mouth is small, the ice muscles are facing the sky, and jade bone is not stained with smoke …
Although Lin Xue is not so beautiful, it is also beautiful and enviable …
Cold smile stiff turned to look at two humanitarian "love snow you come! Just the porch baby is saying that he wants me to help him change clothes. Feel free to let me go to work first … "
Love first blocked the way and looked at Han Xiao and said, "Lord, I’ll go. After all, that little milk baby is a little man who changed clothes. Let me do this!"
Say that finish before cold smile promised to quickly leave …
"Master, what did you call us back for?" Lin Xue looked at his main population at the moment and asked.

"See what see? ! Is it necessary for labor and capital to hold back all the time? ! You fucking try it and see if you can touch it, but you can’t feel it? "

Gu Meiren "… I don’t have that function"
"Still talk back?"
An Yan snickered at the side. "Mr. Xiao, you’d better listen to the Internet cafe. I don’t want to get old. I’m still a delicate and fashionable lady, and you-"The woman looked at him and didn’t mean "bad old man"
The first volume Chapter 54 Husband and wife interest Are you sure you want to ask so clearly?
Xiao Jing didn’t look at him directly. He walked straight towards Anyan, his eyes condensed, Anyan forgot the reaction in situ, and his fingers attached her pale face.
Hot and dry feeling seems to be still with blood.
An Yan’s face was still in shock. wait for a while looked at him in shock. Xiao Jing leaned over her ear and whispered, "You have to worry about that man over there. I gave you a chance, but he may not be able to go to the hospital. An Yan, do you want to keep an eye on that side?"
Yan Yan closed her eyes and tried to control her emotions. What happened tonight was beyond her expectation. She imagined that Xiao Jing would be angry, but she didn’t expect to be angry because of this incident.
I also thought that I might face the picture of Xiao Jing and the early Song Dynasty together, but it is not.
She was dragged away by Xiao Jing all the way and nobody cared about him.
Ji Ryukyu gave birth to an agent who was busy with this Ji Ryukyu gave birth to things and didn’t take care of Xiao Jing. If no one presses things tonight, the headline will explode.
Xiao Jing still called the secret to deal with it.
Anyan clutched her finger, her cell phone and bag were in that suite, and now she could listen to him behind him like a lost soul.
This is the terrace on the 17th floor of the hotel. It’s windy in autumn night. It’s safe to look far away, but my heart is somehow deserted.
Xiao Jing’s mood tonight is really a bit-too scary.
Rarely did he lose control when he saw him lose his temper or when she took Anxi back.
An Yan slowly moved his body back, not wanting to be too close to him, and the man who was talking with his back to her seemed to have eyes in the back of his head. She would just take a step back and turn around and stare at her in a desert.
Section 45
"Where do you want to go?"
"I …" To put it bluntly, she is still afraid that this man will suddenly lose control of his emotions. Just now, he really has a kind of tenacity to break her wrist.
Besides, she was in tears and her face was wrinkled with pain in front of him, and she didn’t see him react. It was like a nightmare.
But how is that possible?
The man’s eyes are deep and profound, as if to see through her whole person. He gritted his teeth and said, "I’m going to wash my hands and I left my bag-"
I was interrupted by a man before I finished a sentence. "I’ll send someone to get it."
Anyan nodded, and the nerve in his body still looked at him with tension. "I’m going to wash my hands."
But just stepped out of the two steps Xiao Jing cool voice to "five minutes if you don’t come out, I’ll go in and arrest people"
It wasn’t until she said something in front of the washing mirror that her nerves finally relaxed a little. At this time, it is definitely not good for her to go out and stay with Xiao Jing.
Finally, the cat came out of the washing hands with high heels and glanced at the man over there. He was still talking, and there were still many people coming and going in the corridor. She walked directly in the opposite direction to him.
The person who knew that the ladder door hit her went in and the whole talent was completely soft.
Some shrugged their shoulders and looked down at the smooth ground.
"Ann? Don’t fucking tell me you’re playing ospy! " The sound in the small room made Anyan tremble all over.
She looked up and focused her pupils for two seconds before the person in front saw Zheng Xi pick it up?
Ha, the road is narrow.
But she didn’t intend to ignore him with a cold hum. She leaned against the wall and wore shoes. Zheng Xi picked up some anger and couldn’t help mocking her. "Are you coming to the reception? Why didn’t I see you? You just came from some man’s bed. Look at your mess. Just say you were raped. I believe it. "
She put on her shoes, but she soon recovered. She didn’t look at Zheng Xi coldly until she put them on.
She assured me that she was a little scared tonight, but not all cats and dogs can laugh at her.
"Zheng Xi, although you live in a flowing society, can you see where you are and the flowing society besides the money behind you?"
In addition to that face, Yan Yan has no affection for Zheng Xi.
"Oh, one more thing. Your limbs have evolved so well. Why did this brain stay in prehistoric times?"
Zheng Xi picked up the gas funny for a while, but I didn’t see this woman’s lip service getting better and better. Thanks to him, he also asked people to inquire about her return, saying that she was a daughter.
Bite dad before marriage and husband after marriage.
People’s personality is even worse. Being arrogant and arrogant is her standard.
Zheng Xi looked at her with a cold face, and seemed to be a little exhausted after extreme panic, but it still damaged her beauty, so it was also a beautiful scenery there
But this woman’s sex is as annoying as ever.
Zheng Xi stared at her face and made no secret of his eyes. After raising his hand, he supported Ba and coughed reluctantly. "Say that your husband doesn’t care about you?"
She raised her eyebrows and wondered what he meant.
Regardless? not have
Just now, Xiao Jingxing can’t ignore the shape. Although she thinks it is a little incredible, letting him throw it back in the early Song Dynasty is actually a little touched in her heart.
It was what happened later that caught her off guard and made her think irrationally about it.
She didn’t say anything but looked at the changing figures.
"He really no matter you? I heard that Xiao Jing likes people, and it doesn’t seem to be much with you … "
Ah, it’s really annoying to have sparrows twittering in your ear!
Stop-and-go this ladder and no one came in. Before the ladder arrived, Yan Yan finally couldn’t help it. "Zheng Xi picked you up to see Xiao Jing or what?" ! I tell you Xiao Jing that even if the man likes me, he can’t like men. You are dead! "
Zheng Xi picked up "…"
She walked out in high heels, but she just took a step and glanced out of the corner of her eye at the man coming out of another ladder. At first glance, he took no one near the aura.
Yan Yan reacted very quickly and turned around and immediately took Zheng Xi’s arm and leaned his head on his shoulder while tearing him toward the ladder. "Zheng Xi picked it up this time and I owe you to take me to the underground parking lot."
The figure of a woman is actually very recognizable. She is wearing a sweater and a slim skirt today, and her figure is very tall. Xiao Jing’s eyes come to capture her thick curly chestnut hair.

Listen to Chu Yi say that Lu Dazhu and others are sighing in the heart, which can make Chu Yi value this army so much that there is no second person.

Said Yu Dayou endured the heart excited led to several ships headed for the distance that a few merchant ships.
Yu Dayou is not stupid. He never dreamed that the army would be lucky enough to enter Chu Yi’s eyes without any foundation background.
It’s more reliable to rely on the mountain without Chu Yi’s thigh. Come on, this noble values Yu Dayou and feels like a dream.
However, Yu Dayou can get Chu Yi’s attention, even if he is only fifteen or sixteen years old this year, he has already shown extraordinary ability.
Yu Dayou was later able to be as famous as Qi Jiguang, and was it an idle generation?
Qi Jiguang has Zhang Juzheng’s support behind it, but Yu Dayou and the DPRK don’t have such a big backer. Even so, Yu Dayou can still be called Qi Jiguang.
When Gu An and Gu Shisan’s nephew were arguing over who was staying to delay the enemy, suddenly a servant’s face was somewhat shocked and shouted, "Gentleman Shisanshao has a big ship …"
Gu an, gu 13 smell words not language look a change two people can almost take out the Trinidad mirror looked at the sea in the distance.
When I saw Gu An and Gu Shisan’s faces, I couldn’t help but show surprise. I heard Gu An’s surprise inexplicably. "Big Sun and Moon Flag Thirteen, you saw that’s my big sun and moon flag!"
The big sun and moon flag is a big military flag, which is usually hung in the army. Now there is a fleet in this sea
It was dark that a fleet entered Gu An and Gu Thirteen’s nephew’s eyes, and they were naturally shocked and delighted.
In any case, even if the situation is worse, it is better than the eye situation. If these fleets are really large, he will not say that there are almost countless ships in the dark, and it is definitely not something that the Japanese pirates behind them can resist.
"Uncle, we are saved, we are saved!"
Gu Shiyi’s face is pleasantly surprised towards Gu ‘an Avenue.
Gu An’s face was filled with tears of joy. After he reacted, he immediately went to the flag bearer avenue to "send a banner for help!"
Almost regardless of Ann’s command, the first fleet to find out that the big fleet was the ship, the flag bearer made Gu An’s order, and the flag bearer had already flagged for help.
The flag bearer played the banner, and it was also the thousand-mile mirror that Yu Dayou passed when he came with several ships running for the caravan. Gu Anbo’s nephew saw that several ships were rapidly coming in their direction from that huge fleet
Gu an couldn’t help laughing, tears rolled down his face, and a feeling of desperate escape seemed to rise
Here Gu Anbo’s nephew has been chasing the family caravan with a face of surprise. The enemy naturally found the sea and there was such a huge fleet.
The fleet is huge, and the whole sea is dark as seen through a thousand-mile mirror. There are more ships than you can count, not hundreds.
Zhongtiao Heli is the leader of this enemy, but Zhongtiao Heli is not the real identity of the bandits, but a general in Japan, Ishinomaki. During the Warring States Period, sixty-six countries were divided in Japan, and this period was also the time when dozens of countries, large and small, were distributed in Japan. This small land is almost a country, and the so-called Warring States period killing is equivalent to killing one county with another.
Shi Jianguo is the Japanese sixty-six countries. When Shi Jianguo occupied the rule of Shi Jianguo, it was the great family’s sense of righteousness and prospered the great family. This generation of householders had some ambitions.
Ishinomaki’s country owns Ishinomaki Silver Mine, which is one of the largest silver mines in Asia. It has always been watched by all parties. Countries adjacent to Ishinomaki, Izumo, Anyi and other countries have invaded Ishinomaki one after another and tried to occupy Ishinomaki Silver Mine.
You can imagine the pressure on the householder’s sense of righteousness. This kind of pressure is naturally trying to strengthen the strength of the family.
And Zhongtiao Heli is a member of Da’s family, and the retainer was ordered to plunder merchant ships in the sea. On the one hand, it strengthened Da’s strength, on the other hand, it also had the intention of training soldiers.
Through a thousand-mile mirror, we can clearly see that the sea is a continuous ship, and the whole person and god become dignified.
Shan Ye light around Zhongtiao Heli is also a face of shock and looks at the continuous ships. "Zhongtiao Jun these … these ships …"
With a squint and a look of surprise, Zhongtiao Heli flashed, "That’s … that’s the big sun and moon flag!"

Uncle Mo once made a super-calculation simulation high-tech sand table to show the complex and complete dynamic evolution process of topography, landforms, mountains and rivers in the northern part of the country, combined with various geological, hydrological and meteorological data.

Hua Zhenxing’s plan to build Beisuo River Basin is determined according to this sand table calculus. Of course, he recently built a large, three small and four arrays, which was not in the sand table calculus.
Now he condenses the heart of God’s hidden country. Even if God’s knowledge is more subtle, there will always be information that he can’t take.
It’s like counting pieces, always being close to accuracy, but never finding the feeling of being suddenly connected.
Hua Zhenxing asked Teacher Ding how long it would take to refine the heart plate. Dinch said that according to his own level, a place like Shenyin Country needed seven days less.
If you can’t always succeed, you can say that the practice is not home. This is not tricky. If you break your mind, you need to completely re-establish. If you can’t do it in one go or you don’t understand your mind, then repairing the foundation is not enough.
Dinky doesn’t have much time to spend with him. I can stay here with him for three days this time, because the Spring Festival will be celebrated in five days. There is no need to worry if Dinky doesn’t succeed in refining his heart. After he leaves, Hua Zhenxing can slowly refine this time by himself.
Besides, Hua Zhen’s practice in a secluded junior high school has also ushered in the highest achievement so far in his life. He broke through the three-level cultivation of yuan and finally became a three-level cultivation teacher
Wager’s good fortune is that people can directly help him understand the corresponding physical and mental state than Hua Zhen’s trip. A five-qi Dan casting agent personally regulates the air, protects the law and refines the shape
If he can’t get into the door again, it may be really hopeless.
Hua Zhen’s trip was originally intended to make an experiment with Wagerliang in advance and modify the plan at any time according to the actual situation. If the experiment is unsuccessful, you need to change your mind.
As a result, Wagner’s fitness test succeeded, but Shire’s side failed.
This method is destined to be popularized by law, and Hua Zhenxing knows very well that there are other factors for Waggeliang to get started. This model may not be suitable for everyone.
It’s up to Walich to practice after getting started. Hua Zhen used various means mainly to change his mood and improve his physique.
It seems that his qualifications are good. Hua Zhenxing finally broke through the three realms after a year from Wagga Mining.
In the past year, Wage mining industry has undergone many changes. It is no longer directly under the Iraqi Minerva Group Company, but was acquired by Roched Holding Shell Company and taken over by Jin Dian Mining Company in the border of several miles.
Waggeliang’s life is very comfortable, and he never feels good. He is the head of the second mining area. According to past experience, this is already the ceiling of local employees’ positions
His current position is further to the two levels of vice president and president of Wage Mining Group, both of which are directly dispatched by the headquarters of Roba Union.
Waggeliang usually no longer thinks about whether he is Walich or the chairman and CEO of Wage Mining Group. There is no other position whether he is Rothschild or Jindianhang.
After Hua Zhen-hang left, Sima Yi has been sitting in Wage Mining Hua Zhen. It is very simple for Hua Zhen-hang to make an appointment with Gao Le to teach Hua Zhen, but it is not easy for Hua Zhen-hang to teach Sima Yi.
This is not the disciple’s reason, but the master’s level is too far away. He really didn’t have great accomplishments and didn’t master the mind-reading seal. He could let Sima value follow him through personal demonstration and explanation, and finally he gave it to the church.
Among the three brothers in Sanhu Town, Yang Lao-tou looks at Sima most, and recognizes that he has the best qualifications. Although he has the most problems, he also has the greatest potential.
Over the past year, "Walich" has also insisted on regular classes to preside over meetings and sign documents.
However, it seems to outsiders that the head of the regiment is getting worse and worse. He always asks for sick leave and has less and less appearance in his spare time, and his personality is becoming more and more withdrawn. He likes to stay alone in the apartment when he has nothing to do, and there is little entertainment and social interaction … This is all played by Sima Value.
Wageliang broke through the three levels and waited until the rest day to go to the local Yangyuan Art Center to report the progress of cultivation according to the procedure, apply for the third-level examination, and then successfully obtained the third-level certificate, and then was called to the main office.
The general center of Yuanshu in several countries, Fufeng Garden, Sanhu Town, on the outskirts of Banda City, has set up sub-centers in succession in his six state regions. The Yuanshu Center in Wage City is also located in the suburbs, and the area next to the first mining area of Wage Mining Headquarters is equivalent to a workers’ town. Sima value is temporarily the owner of the center.
Wagerliang entered the house and politely added the name of Sima Zhu, and waved, "Mr. Varich, please come and sit down."
After every student in the center breaks through the three places and passes the examination, Sima Zhu will meet and talk alone. This is a normal procedure, but when Wagerliang hears this name, he feels something is wrong because the other party actually calls him Walich!
See Wagerliang become speechless Sima value got up and poured a cup of tea and called again, "Don’t be nervous, you will be surprised. I always knew your identity, but I never told you about it based on confidentiality requirements … Have you studied the report on the handling of Sharpah’s leak case recently?"
Wageliang quickly nodded. "I just studied two days ago and organized a meeting to discuss it. All of us said that we must take the lead! I didn’t expect this to happen, and I didn’t expect the organization to handle it so quickly! "
The word "organization" was first used by Waggeliang a year ago to refer to the foundry group, then to the new alliance, and then to the Yangyuan Art Center, which almost became Waggeliang’s mantra.
At the moment, they are conversationalists in Eastern Chinese, and there is no communication barrier.
Sima value "Yangyuan division headquarters opinion is not to keep the problem for the New Year! It is necessary to establish a secrecy system and conduct secrecy training in one step. It is not only the headquarters of Yangyuan Division that wants to engage in the new alliance government, but also the whole government should strengthen this work.
The purpose of the pre-training in the center is to screen and train talents as much as possible. Now you are a third-level teacher who must abide by the norms and confidentiality regulations of the teacher.
If you are willing to formally join the headquarters of Yangyuan Division, you can also enjoy the corresponding benefits and sign some documents and agreements … Take a good look at it first, and you can consult on the spot if you have any questions.
If you are unable or unwilling to formally join Yangyuan Valley for personal reasons, we are not forced.
As long as you abide by the law, accept the unified supervision of Yangyuan division headquarters and continue to contribute to your post, we can also achieve the goal of cultivating talents in society. "
This is a conversation according to the normal procedure, and the system was further improved a few days ago
Wageliang quickly looked through some papers on the desk and there was no doubt that he picked up the pen happily and was about to sign it when he suddenly stopped and looked up and said, "What name should I sign, Lord Sima?"
Syma value smiled. "This is the main purpose for me to find you today. What name should you sign? The identity issue should also be done today! "
Chapter 34, Everyone has a chance.
Although Waglan didn’t know that the person who played "Walich" in the past year was Sima value rather than "Feng Zibin" as he thought, he also knew that Feng Zibin could not replace him to play the identity of Walich forever.
Now it’s finally time for a showdown. He carefully asked, "Teacher Sima, listen to your opinion. Can I choose an identity?" Unconsciously, even the name has changed, from Sima Zhu to Sima Mentor.
Sima Zhi laughed. "It’s not the organization that lets you choose, but you have to make a choice. Which identity you choose represents what kind of life you choose."
Vargeliang "This is not the problem. The real problem is how to deal with the follow-up things?"
It is not difficult for "Walich" and "Wagrian" to choose one identity. The real trouble is how to deal with the other identity.
Over the past year or so, "Wagrian" and "Walich" have often appeared on the same occasion, and even the colleagues in the regiment have become accustomed to looking closely at them. They look very much like the outline of the five senses, almost carved in the same mold, and many people have found this.
Some people joke that Varyag may be the long-lost brother of the big boss, while others say that Varyag’s ancestors may have been to the Black Wilderness continent, and Varyag is his joke here. No one doubts that these two people are really the same person.
After Sima Zhifang played "Walich", his body seemed to be weaker and weaker, and his temperament became more and more gloomy and withdrawn.
The impression given by Wagerliang has always been so healthy, strong, optimistic and progressive from the bottom miner to the position of head of the second mining area.
Sima value stared at him for a few seconds before saying, "I didn’t want to tell you something first, but I’ll talk about it before you call me a tutor."
If you choose to restore Walich’s identity, Wagrian will be transferred and will no longer appear, but now the shareholders of Wagga Mining have been reorganized, and you will also be transferred from Wagga Mining, which means you will be dismissed.
What other positions do you have after you return to the Roba League depends on how the Iraqi Thunder Group arranged you. This group of people is actually sent by the Iraqi Thunder Group … "
Vargeliang: "In my judgment, nine times out of ten, that is to say, I have read the terms of this restructuring agreement, which require new shareholders to properly resettle and dismiss our accredited personnel, and it is already clear that we have been packaged and sold."
Sima value went on to say, "I also know that if you choose to restore Walich’s identity, you will get a severance package. It’s up to you to decide whether to try to return to Iraq or to apply for a job again."
Waglan: "Can I stay here and continue to apply for the position of Wagon Mining?"
Sima Value: "It’s your freedom to do this, but it’s another matter whether Wage Mining will hire you and what position you will arrange after hiring you. There is a saying in East China that’ take off your pants and fart’. Have you decided to do this?"
Wageliang quickly waved his hand and said, "No, of course I don’t mean this. I just want to ask … What if I choose to keep my Wageliang identity?"
Sima Zheng said, "If you choose to keep the identity of Wagerliang, it’s up to you to decide what to do with the identity of Wagerlich. We can help you."
"What do you suggest, Teacher?"
Sima value "since Wagerliang is still here, there should be no more Walich. Simply put, how do you want Walich to die? Is it illness or accident? If it is an accident, your legal heir can also get more compensation. "

Shi Shuangcheng laughed. "No problem. I’m their mentor! If it’s convenient, I still want to know as much as possible about a student’s foundation … "

Hua Zhen’s trip "There is nothing inconvenient for them to repair the foundation, but they haven’t learned the skill of nourishing Yuan. If it is convenient for Shi Mentor, I can give you all the skills of nourishing Yuan these days, which is not difficult to prove."
Since ancient times, all the sects of Buddhism have their roots. For example, one root method is the 36-hole cave, the Dandan Road, the leader of Kunlun, Mei Yeshi, and the patriarch of Sanmengzong. The root method of Sanmengzong is four doors, twelve floors, the Dandan Road, and the world’s three dreams, and the big F root method is also a secret. It can’t be granted unless it is taught by a master, and it can’t be unauthorized.
However, the practice of nourishing Yuangu is an anti-unification of the root method practiced by all Yuan-cultivating teachers. Of course, it is the cultivation of Yuan-cultivating skills, but there are no rules. It is for the public to promote it, and it is required in the teaching process. Only intermediate Yuan-cultivating instructors certified by the headquarters of Yuan-cultivating teachers can engage in the cultivation of Yuan-cultivating skills.
There are requirements for tutors and requirements for students in the training of primary training for cultivating yuan from grade one to grade three, but it is not unreasonable to pay attention to the practice and practice, and it is also necessary to wake up to the level four in Hua Zhen and have no requirements for students
Nowadays, these four-level students are all employees of Huanxiang Industry, and the backbone of the new alliance has decided from their origins that they must all be one of their own, but what about the future? It is hard to imagine the high cost of building Yangyuan Valley. At present, Hua Zhen Bank is training students in order to have a group of talents in the short term.
Then, if Hua Zhenxing can guarantee that talents will be trained in the future, can he really do what he wants? Actually, this problem is not widely awake, and Hua Zhen trip is bound to be considered.
Even if the identity of a supporting brother is repaired casually, it is also a lifelong achievement. This is not like the theory of graduating from school in the secular world, except for the resume, it will no longer accept the original school management deployment.
In the conversation, I gave another suggestion to Hua Zhen Bank, that is, unified management should be implemented from the certification of intermediate yuan-cultivating teachers. If you are willing to continue to raise Yuan Valley in the future and perform the prescribed duties, you can get the certification of Yang Yuan Valley and get the opportunity to practice here. Otherwise, you should become a "wild" yuan-cultivating teacher.
It’s interesting that this trip to Hua Zhen once had some ideas that coincide with each other. It’s similar to Gambyshire’s management of divinity teachers. Of course, it’s not completely consistent. It’s much more difficult to become a divinity teacher than to become a nourishing yuan teacher, and the pursuit of nourishing yuan is only that there is no requirement for him before the physical and mental realm is four levels less.
In many details, it is necessary for Hua Zhen to consider it by himself. There are differences in the rules of practicing sects and the management methods of Gambisi Court … If he does not consider it, he can consult three old people.
The only exception now is that Shi Shuangcheng, the invited guest tutor, is a special agent. Hua Zhen Bank has no reservations about the root method of Yangyuan teacher, but hopes that Shi Shuangcheng will take the initiative to learn well and prove it from the beginning
Hua Zhenxing didn’t ask Hiro to be a "invited guest tutor", but Hiro didn’t mean it either, so the two of them had a tacit understanding and didn’t talk about it again. But Hiro, if he wanted to learn Yuanshu, of course, was welcome to go to Hua Zhen. He even taught Gao Le!
It’s really welcome for these two guests to come to China and thank them. Now the three old people no longer take the initiative to take charge of the Hua Zhen trip, and they are afraid that they will be thoughtless. Even if they can ask at any time, they must know what they want to ask.
Talking to several people, they have not been idle to display various magical skills together. This abode of fairies and immortals will soon be completed. "Little Martial Uncle, do you want to live in this abode of fairies and immortals for a few days?"
Shi Shuangcheng: "That’s not that I’m now a mentor of Yangyuan Valley, even if I help with the construction here."
Guang "But Xiaoshishu was not a mentor when it was built."
Shi Shuangcheng "expected! Do you know how to deduce it? Does General Manager Hua issue a certificate? "
Hua Zhen trip "of course, don’t worry about issuing certificates. We will call everyone together and hold a special ceremony to familiarize the stone tutor with the situation and meet the staff of all departments."
Man Man interjected, "Sometimes I invite you to visit the Yangyuan Art Center outside the mountain and meet with the staff there to guide a worker."
Hua Zhenxing nodded, "Well, please invite Director Guang to join us."
That night, Cui Wanhe, the head of Huanxiang Industrial Publicity Department and the head of the New Alliance Publicity Department, also lived in Hushu. She brought a set of detailed publicity materials to Guangshi Shuangcheng respectively.
Paper is a picture book. According to the original request of Cove, the size of this magazine is the same every month, but it needs to be rearranged to introduce the changes brought by the new alliance from the beginning. Whoever turns this picture book can understand the changes brought by the new alliance from the old times to today in the most intuitive way.
At first, the album was the new look of Pickering District in the agricultural reclamation area, but now it has shown the misdeeds of the guard line. The liberation of Banda City is like reading a living history. What is important is that it is not a magazine, but a new and repeated core is re-edited every month.
Deguozheng: This is the concept that Cove has repeatedly emphasized. The new alliance must prove this to everyone. This album is also the basis of future history textbooks, so that local children can learn it just like Hua Zhen’s business first sees recipes.
Cui Wanhe also brought two tablet computers with all kinds of information, which are arranged in different categories, just like the core of a database is a series of documentaries. According to the requirements of Hua Zhenxing, there are three total durations of five minutes, half an hour and a half, and a new one is released every month.
This is to adapt to the rhythm of modern people’s access to information and summarize the purpose of the new alliance for five minutes. It brings changes. If someone is very interested, they will naturally continue to watch the other two for a longer time and more information. Considering that Yangyuan Valley is not accessible, Cui Wanhe also prepared a mobile source for colleagues to help her carry it into the valley.
Although Yang Lao-tou has "technology" with his bare hands, he can’t be expected to do this job. Although he also studies in Hua Zhen, he can’t master this technology yet. It needs practice. If you practice with mobile phones and brain things, the loss will be too high.
A good trip to Hua Zhen is now considered a rich man. He once ordered a lot of small light bulbs from Eastland to consult Van Ducker’s professional questions, and then ordered 200,000 different types of components from Eastland. The size is very small and the price is very cheap. Half a TEU can be delivered. At present, the order has not yet arrived. He intends to use it to practice his skills and familiarize himself with the technology.
200,000. Is that a lot? According to Vandak, it is very sensitive to master different quantities and flows, and to be able to control them stably. If you are not careful, it will be damaged. It is normal for Hua Zhen to burn thousands of mana overnight before the consumption is completed. Except for Hua Zhen, others can try to learn. The minimum requirement is a five-level yuan-cultivating teacher.
On the other hand, Shi Shuangcheng looked at the propaganda materials all night that day, and after dawn, she couldn’t wait to visit the port of Somalia. She passed by the port of Somalia when she came, but she didn’t expect such a strange experience in that humble and broken town.
However, the next day, there was something else to do to raise the existing staff of Yuangu, and a celebration ceremony was held together. First, Xia Changqing was awarded a four-level teacher certificate, which was a hot field, and then Shi Shuangcheng was given a special guest tutor certificate, which was also built by Uncle Mo himself.
Today, the holder of the certificate will not get lost in Yuangu after her support …
"The city will have so many evil precious residue? Don’t you turn a blind eye to Hua Zhen’s trip now that you have five realms of repair? " This is a problem that no one expected in advance after Shi Shuangcheng visited the port of Sofia.
When she said this sentence, it was already half a day after Yangyuan Valley, and she visited the Hua Zhen trip in the late night of the port city, Manman, Locke, Lianna and Guang, and suddenly frowned after coming out from the noodle restaurant after eating midnight snack.
Chapter 293, is nothing.
Everyone except the square felt a little surprised. Lianna replied, "There may be a little more obscenity here, but it’s not an exaggeration. It’s true in many places. If Miss Shi had come earlier, she would have found that the obscenity was heavier then, and now most of it has been dispersed."
Shi Shuangcheng said it was "evil" and Lian Na said it was "yin"
The so-called evil spirit is a very general and vague concept, which generally refers to all wind, evil spirit and evil spirit, including evil practice. They may not all be malicious to people, but sometimes contact is not a good thing, which has a negative impact on people for different reasons.
When the monks break through the five realms from the four realms, the integration of heaven and earth into the form and spirit scene will disturb these things and attack them, so it is also called wind evil robbery
We haven’t found any rare and fascinating species in the port of Fei Suo. If we can touch it, it will be the Huo Jia in Yangyuan Valley, but no one will regard it as evil. All Shi Shuangcheng should be specific, that is, yin.
The so-called concept of obscenity is also very broad and difficult to express, including all kinds of consciousness and mental residues. Specifically, each obscenity may have its own unique causes, and other methods can affect real objects, which can also affect the consciousness and spirit, and only when there are certain circumstances can induction occur. In peacetime and reality, there is almost no contact between personnel.
For example, a certain person has not only stayed and disappeared without others realizing it or strong thoughts, but also remained for various reasons.
When Shi Shuangcheng spoke, they had just reached the corner of a narrow lane. The port of Feisuo has changed a lot this year. The whole city has been re-planned, but there are still many places that have not been completely transformed, such as this alley not far from the grocery store.
A few years ago, when I was in Hua Zhen, I saw someone fall dead at the foot of this wall. This person should have been shot elsewhere in the middle of the night and struggled to get here. It was only after dawn that he was discovered by passers-by and something worth a little money was found. This person’s last moment was strongly obsessed with it and formed some kind of obscenity.
If someone walks past, uneasy and fearful, and it happens that when that person was killed at the beginning, there will be a sense of fear rising inexplicably and accompanied by a sense of despair. I consciously want to call for help but dare not make a sound. This is not only the influence of foreign invasion, but also amplifies the original fear of passers-by … There are various explanations at the consciousness level.
However, the influence of obscenity here only ends here. Usually, passers-by will leave here quickly and dare not stay for a while. If they encounter mental and cardiovascular diseases, they may also cause injuries but induce injuries rather than direct injuries.
If passers-by don’t care, it won’t have an impact.
However, the six people passing by today are not ordinary people, and they are both unaffected and aware of it. If you master the theory of Lingjue, you can feel it, but if you want to explore it clearly, you need five realms of practice.
For example, if Hua Zhen’s trip hangs over this area at the moment, he can still see the scene of the man’s death at the beginning, and he can even feel that the strong emotion of the other party at that time was not yin and precious, which is exactly what it is. This is the manifestation of the image of Yuan God.
The reason for the formation of such obscenity is very complicated and accidental. Usually, it will be washed away by his breath soon, and it won’t last long. However, few people here pass through this wall and don’t see the sun all the year round before it remains. It will be inexplicable to walk through it and feel a little cold.
In the past, this kind of thing happened almost every day in the port of Sofia, even if it was a very small probability, there were a lot of events accumulated.
Over the past year or so, the whole city has undergone earth-shaking changes, as if it had gained a new life, and the lingering smell of gloom had already dispersed. Lianna only witnessed this change before she said that the situation here was acceptable.
Shi Shuangcheng but some don’t understand "this is fair? From yesterday afternoon to now, there are only dozens of places where I have noticed the lingering smell of yin! "
Port of Somalia is not really a small city. It is a capital of seven states in several countries with a population of more than 500,000. However, in Shi Shuangcheng’s eyes, it is indeed a small place. It is found that the density of the sinister atmosphere is quite high.
Locke said with a wry smile, "When you walk through a certain lane, you will feel scared for no reason. This is nothing to the residents of non-Somali port. If you are not careful, you will be stolen and robbed. If you are not careful, you will be shot and killed in the street. How hard you struggle, you can’t see hope. I don’t know what you want. Who will care about this?
I may be born with a disease and be infected with a deadly virus at any time. I want to learn but I can’t get an education. I want to work hard but I have no way out. Even the most diligent spirit motivates me to do it, that is, to dig more cassava in the wilderness. The most capable people in each block want to get ahead. There is no choice but to mix gangs. The fun of life is an illusion, and the life is consumed by cheap D.
If you know your own day, you won’t think about it again. It used to be a hell, but you don’t know it. Even if the smartest people here can realize these sober feelings, it’s even more painful … Do you know what people here have experienced and Obana Manman grew up here? "
Locke said it was from the bottom of his heart that he stayed in Port Sofia for eleven years and hid the gold gang ten years ago. How can the boss behind the scenes not know where this place is, and others can only save himself by repairing the gold gang? The way to express his feelings in the face of the world is to fold paper planes every day.

Yan Ying is very depressed from King Nie Renwang, and his body is crazy and his blood is unstable. Bing Xin’s tactic is lost. Where can he suppress it?

Seeing that Nie Renwang lost his mind and shouted, "It’s just crazy blood. Do you really think I have no means to break my family?"
There is a scale on the hilt of Huolin Sword, and a lotus flower suddenly enters the eyebrows of Duanshuai.
Broken handsome eyes with bloodthirsty impulse capability suddenly soared his incarnation Kirin magic.
Fire Sword is a magic weapon, but it is also a magic sword. It can attract people’s hearts and demons, and now it’s broken and handsome, and it has gained great skill and even directly possessed them.
"Strong fighters strength! The two crazy unexpectedly, such means will power up to strong fighters "Wang Yue eyes with a dignified.
Strong fighters fighting is serious.
Wang Yue’s contest with Zhang Sanfeng in those days was not a strong fighter fight, but they wanted to break through to the level of strong fighters.
There was a terrible noise, and the surrounding trees were destroyed by the aftershock of the whole day, and the lake of the Giant Buddha was splashed with waves several feet high.
The whole day has lost its original color.
"Ah …"
Nie Feng and Duanlang were shaken into the lake.
Wang Yue flew to the lake with flying skill.
Nie Feng and Duanlang are children under 10 years old and can’t fight martial arts. If no one saves them, they will definitely drown.
Wang Yue saw that they were in danger and could not go to from ruin.
Wang Yuegang brought the two little boys ashore when he heard a huge roar and a beast as high as five meters came out of Lingyun Cave.
The beast was burning with flames, which made Wang Yue, a half-step master fighter, feel suffocated.
"Fire Kirin!"
Nie Renwang and Duanshuai fought and added their crazy breath to finally lead the fire unicorn out.
The fire unicorn turned into a red light, and it caught Nie Renwang and Duanshuai, and then took them to Lingyun Cave.
"Powerful this fire unicorn is too powerful" Wang Yue was shocked.
It is difficult for Wang Yue to judge what level the strength of the fire unicorn has reached, but he can be sure that the family boxing is definitely no match for the fire unicorn.
"Dad …"
Nie Feng and Duanlang burst into tears when they saw that their father had been taken away by fire Kirin.
Wang Yue’s eyes lit up and he said happily, "Good opportunity. Now the fire unicorn caught Nie Ren Wang and Duanshuai. I will not notice me. I will quietly enter Lingyun Cave and find the blood bodhi, and then I will come out. It should be fine."
Wang Yue lost Nie Feng and broke the waves, using lightness skill to turn several ghosting images into Lingyun Cave.
"Who is that small? He’s killing himself when he enters Lingyun Cave. "
"He’s dead."
"Fire Kirin eats people and doesn’t spit bones. He will never come out alive when he enters."
When those fighters saw Wang Yue enter Lingyun Cave, they all recognized him as dying.
Fire Kirin said that even masters like Xiong and blade master dare not enter Lingyun Cave alone, but Wang Yue, a half-step master fighter, dared to go in. Isn’t this a death?
Wang Yue has no heart, but Nie Feng and Duanlang are very popular. These two young men are Nie Renwang and Duanshuai.
"Go to a few people to bring those two little ones back to heaven." A great master with aquiline nose stared at Nie Feng and broken waves and said, "King Nie Renwang and Duanshuaixiong Wang will be very happy to see them. Unfortunately, the snow drinking knife and fire forest sword were brought to Lingyun Cave by fire unicorn, and we can’t get them."
The two masters fuels and says, "Yes, my Lord."
The two of them cast their flying skills and soon caught Nie Feng and Broken Waves.
Wang Yue sneaked into Lingyun Cave carefully for fear of making a noise and disturbing the fire unicorn.
"Good at your own boxing, you can control your blood and heartbeat at will, and you can adjust your blood flow and breathing to a very slow level, otherwise it is really dangerous to come in."
Even if it can perfectly converge, Wang Yue should be careful. After all, he has to face it. However, Wang Yue, a god beast like fire unicorn, will die if he meets fire unicorn. If fire unicorn attacks, it can burn Wang Yue just by its surface flame.
"Which of the many passages in Lingyun Cave is the place leading to Xuepu?" Looking at several channels in front of me, Wang Yue was worried.
After hesitating for a while, Wang Yue decided to take this channel.
"There are so many bones in the ground. Their bones are white as jade. Even if they have been dead for a long time, the bones have not rotted and weathered. People here are peerless masters." Wang Yue said in his heart.
The bones are as white as jade and do not rot easily after death. Only a great master can do it, because the life level of a great master is obviously different from that of ordinary people. The most obvious difference is bones and bone marrow.
"It’s not the end yet. How long is this passage?" Wang Yuenai can continue to walk.

Tang Qinling didn’t expect it when he saw it, but she had to give up. "Go home and don’t go home, the highland tower will be gone."

Four people have to go home at this time. When Zhang Hao returns to the city, he thinks to himself. It seems that this wave has lost again
Although I took Draven’s head and blew up a tower on the opposite side of the road, I also sent a head to my own wandering road, and I was even able to tell at a glance which is more important than the two towers.
Back in the city, Zhang Hao is still thinking about another problem, that is, the old man of time made a big move to cool down for three minutes, so fast when he cooled down.
Thinking about Kieran has appeared. Looking at the time, the old man has made two bombs. Qing Xiaobing fucked Zhang Hao in an instant. He patted his forehead. That’s right, he reduced the skill D skill, which can reduce the skill by 1 second.
It is this skill that makes Kieran’s big move a lot before it cools down. It takes many times to make that big move D lose a lot. This skill of losing D is a magical skill. You know, Kieran’s full-time shuttle only takes 6 seconds to be abnormal.
This also explains why it will be so fast to cool down for 3 minutes.
Chapter 94 Too look down upon the opposite side
The addition of barrels has made Diqiu ready to go. One is to further widen the gap and expand the advantage, and the other is to wander across the street and spend so much time on Taco, so it is pushed.
Diqiuzelas is at the back of the team, and the emperor is in front. Kieran Levin is protected by the emperor’s barrel in the battle. This array arrangement makes Zhang Hao start from the high-end position as fine as arranging troops.
Zhang Hao is at the front of the team with Pan Sen, followed by Jiela and then by the ice. This ad is too fragile to be in the back row. When a sniper is ready to zoom in and shoot the key figures, a team battle will be rewritten.
The ability of both sides is not divided into blue, and the skill is about to hit Zhang Hao, but just at the limit distance, a flash flies over the robot and hits the robot obliquely behind Jiela
"I grass" Zhang Hao can’t help swearing. It’s really unexpected that this barrel can’t take the usual path.
After a flash, Jiela was hit by a barrel and threw a big move on the spot. A blasting barrel blew Jiela outward, and the emperor had been waiting for a long time. The goal of eq Erlian was indeed Lingjiela in Tang Qin.
Di Qiu and others still organized the wandering first, gave up the route and sent it to Xiaolong.
The barrel trick not only blew Gera near his teammates, but also repelled Panson and Bing Bing, creating a perfect gank opportunity.
Emperor eq Company 2 also accurately hit Jetra and made a big move to control Jetra in place.
Zhou Xiong saw something bad and immediately made a big move. The gorgeous crystal sword shot firmly hit the pit emperor, and he was dizzy. Gera didn’t panic, so he calmly handed over the E skill and spilled a vine, then made a big move at his feet and finally handed over the flash.
Jiela also had to eat so many skills in a flash. Tang Qinling said that she was very hurt. There was a barrel in front of Draven, Silas and Kieran’s face, but it was fatal.
"Don’t worry about the emperor hitting the barrel." Tang Qinling took a look at the situation after leaving and made the most correct judgment. All the skills of the emperor have been handed over. At present, he is a super soldier and the output of the barrel is still sufficient. It is necessary to fire him.
Pan Sen, who was repulsed, rushed to Jiela’s side. W Shengdun hit and jumped. Jiela’s recruit was hit and the barrel flew. It was all in a flash. Before the Zhang Hao robot came to do anything, Jiela’s blood volume was more than half.
Zhang Hao can’t help but sigh that this group of people is simply a group of perverts. They all react for 1 second, but they are not stunned. It’s still normal to blow the barrel behind the ass and hand over the big move to silence and limit his output.
When these barrel head bombs were finished, it was also a "bang". An explosion created an artifact for several people around, and the output was better than time.
The two sides have been at war for more than ten rounds, but in the blink of an eye, the two sides didn’t need any high play to explain. Even a small white can see that now Tang Qinling’s side has been beaten by Jiela, Robot, Pan Sen and other blood.
After playing for 3 seconds, the wandering finally arrived, but at this moment, Zhang Hao and others have become a group of beaten soldiers. Facing aoe, they hurt the Pan Sen robot, so the single injury is obviously leaked. A barrel opposite the short board can hit two but three, and they can output one-on-one
I dare not delay sending it to the barrel in front of my face for a moment. K, the blood volume of the barrel plummeted, and the next emperor was also wandering by the waves. It seems that the problem of insufficient output has been solved, and the barrel will be hung up.
"Don’t beat the barrel and resurrect." Wang Qiang roared and he couldn’t stand it anymore.
Seeing Kieran swinging across the street, the clock has turned back and the history of the barrel has been shrouded. Stop it quickly. After fighting like this, the blood volume will be higher than it is now. That’s really a pit teammate.
Shi Qiangqiang turned to attack Draven behind him and moved closer to his teammates.
At this time, Zhang Hao had some regrets or he was too careless. He took the second place in the Internet cafe league and the provincial championship in Xishan League in the recent period. Now this passive situation is caused by himself.
Chapter 95 Emergency
"Bang, bang, bang" Fang Zelas seized the opportunity at the end of the team. He made a big move to bombard the crowd with long-distance artillery shells. The nickname of Ze Sanbao was not white. Tang Qinling was the first to lay his gun. Jiela was too fragile. A wave of group battles had already reached its limit.
Now Silas’s big move is to crush the camel’s last straw. Jiela can’t carry the damage anymore. After being bombed, she turns into a plant by passive skills, and then a sharp thorn shoots out and finally slowly dies.
Unfortunately, however, the barrel was in the direction of stabbing and faked his death in the crowd at the last moment of time reversal.
"Ah," Tang Qinling was a little sad to see the situation. At this time, she felt that League of Legends would be so interesting. This wave must be hard. Now it is the most annoying thing to go or not.
A few people stopped talking, surrounded by colorful lights and neon flashing, and the mouse and keyboard clicked quickly. Everyone was nervous, holding their heroes or playing a world or falling into this rapidly changing situation with regret.
Zhang Hao is so regretful at the moment that he is still too young and inexperienced that the barrel caught the opportunity to strengthen the group. Tang Qin Lingjiela has been the first to die. Although the barrel hangs up, it is as troublesome to bring Kieran back to life as not to die.
Zelas made a great contribution and dropped an output point in a perfect second, which created a favorable opportunity for them to pursue.
Pan Sen is a wild man with an egg knife and a poor giant’s belt. He can’t bear a wave of skills from bombing across the street. He is also beaten in Pan Sen. Don’t want to lose his mind.
Everyone can see that the blue side has finished outputting and exploded at this time, and Q-pick flies and is driven away by the big troops behind, so you can’t leave if you want to.
Zhou Xiong looked at the ice and walked backwards out of the scope of the emperor’s attack. Then the barrels and Draven appeared in tandem. Because it was a melee, it was a little slow, and the last Silas in the team had appeared in the middle.
"Get ready, I’m going to pull." Zhang Hao motioned for himself to prepare the hook. His robot has always been elusive, and countless players across the street have caused tons of psychological shadows.
Wandering Pan Sen crouched quietly behind the robot, and there was a thin wall between the river and their Yin people’s place. Now, once he was hooked, it would be lively, depending on who Zhang Hao wanted to pull.
Draven is on his way to Zhang Hao. It is absolutely enough to visually check the distance. The middle finger of his left hand has pressed the Q key and he is walking in the river. Draven has no idea that the danger is waiting on the cliff.
"Crunch" a yellow mechanical claw flies out.
"Why is my grass a barrel?"
At the moment, Zhang Hao and others are confused, but the opposite single barrel is even more confused. It’s just that I’m on my way. How did I hit the hook with an E skill?
Although both sides are confused, La Du has pulled in without beating, even though it was ready for La De Levin before, but now pulling into the barrel will be enough to beat Zhang Hao, an energy iron fist will blow the barrel away, and a Q skill will bomb the barrel body and hand over the imprisonment while blowing it away, leaving the barrel stuck in place.
Then, the E-skill spell surged, and the wandering was released, and the Q-skill was passively refreshed. When the Q-skill imprisonment was coming to an end, Pan Sen also set off a holy shield to combat dizziness, and the barrels were pierced by spears. The barrels had not yet moved, and they were instantly beaten to death by three people.
"nie Withdraws" Zhang Hao robot will close when it is too good, and quickly bypass the triangular grass and lead Pan Sen and wandering back to a tower, but before the emperor and others can react, the barrels are gone in these few steps.
After the two sides were deadlocked for a short time on the road, Diqiu took the initiative to retreat. At this time, the advantage was not great. It was unrealistic to go home and update a round of equipment and brush a few dragons. This game is not just firmly holding the road defense tower, which made Zhang Hao people breathe a sigh of relief.
After a while, the two sides entered a period of brushing soldiers. The two sides looked for each other’s flaws. Zhang Hao’s robot once almost pulled the key character, but it was a little regrettable that it was not hooked.
The situation changed in 22 minutes, when the skill was in A-eye and the emperor didn’t respond and was imprisoned on the spot. Then Zhang Hao hook naturally stretched out and dragged it into the crowd. Looking at a pile of Ren Huang, he felt his heart beat faster and his eyes turned black.


Since Sumo custom-made extremely clever device came here, many refining workshops have resumed their activities, and the number of people has gradually increased.
After all, the horcrux is out of reach for most monks.
You have to come here if you want to refine, refine, and refine the horoscope.
"It’s a bit unorthodox to do this thing in the real fire refining workshop."
Although no one knows the real identity of the two dead elixirs, most monks know it.
Wang Cheng Zhong Mo Ling Refining Workshop is incompatible with each other and has the ability to drive then real people to have real refining workshops.
"Yes, although we are also refining workshops, Moling refining workshops are competitive, but then again, there is nothing wrong with people making names on their own."
"Mr. Geng Kuangmo is now engaged in the extremely clever business, which is not in conflict with us."
Several shopkeepers of refining workshop got together to have a small talk.
"I guess it will probably go away, and worse, there is no evidence left."
"Well, there are five doors behind the real fire refining workshop-the real fire door. It is impossible for the Zhou Dynasty to offend a big sect because of a refiner."
"I want to say that this matter is not over yet!"
A shopkeeper speaks amazingly
"What did Lao Zhang say?" Asked another man.
Lao Zhang sneered, "Do you think it’s okay to put up with the fact that two real people in the real fire refining workshop have fallen into a big fall?"
"I can’t stand it. What can I do? I can’t send Yuan Ying Zhenjun?" Another person got a fright.
"Hey, hey, it’s hard to say."
Several people are talking together, and suddenly there is a figure in the sky not far away, which is extremely fast and quickly comes to the crowd.
"seen adults"
These shopkeepers hurriedly got up and said hello.
Bearer is green falcon who commander campus Han.
Someone asked with a smile, "What do you mean when adults come here? But to customize a horcrux? "
Campus Han waved his sleeve robe and wrapped a tall notice stone tablet up from the ground.
Campus Han’s expression was silent, and he walked forward with a notice tablet, which attracted several eyes.
Chapter two hundred and seventy A crushing defeat
Zhen huo Lian qi Fang Hou Tang
Elder Zhang stayed up all night.
This night is really too hard for him.
Planning an assassination for so long failed!
Although Liang Dan and Meng Han’s two lives will be exhausted, after all, it is the reality of then that died in vain.
Elder Zhang can’t swallow this tone.
This is not only the rise and fall of the real fire refining workshop, but also the face of the real fire door!
Ge Yong, the shopkeeper of the real fire refining workshop, walked into the back hall and saw the look of Elder Zhang’s slouches. He couldn’t help sighing in his heart and urged, "Elder Zhang, take a rest. It’s almost been a whole day."
"Everything happened last night, didn’t it?"
After a long time, the elder Zhang moved his lips and asked
GeYong looks pale and nodded his head.
Zhang elder face surges with a rage slowly clenched hate way "even if you don’t say I can guess! People outside must be gloating at me! "
"Ge Yong, I’m telling you that I didn’t lose, and we didn’t lose the real firehouse, and we won’t lose!"

"Brother, what are you doing here?" Lieutenant took off his army coat and put it on me.

"My friend is ill and I’m here to collect medicine." Being naked for a long time made me tremble, and my teeth fought.
"Just now, we suspected that you were a colleague." I confirmed my identity and several sentries gathered around. "Your evasive posture and angle are very professional."
I smiled bitterly. Fortunately, I was a professional, or I would have been killed by you. But I can’t flatter you. "If the mountain wind hadn’t affected the trajectory just now, I would have been put down by you." I pointed to the shoulder that was swept by the bullet with a slight red mark.
"Black Hawk, you are too modest." The sniper position sounded, but the man didn’t come out. The gun was still pointed at me.
"Company commander, I’m really passing by. Can you let us go? I still have friends outside." The sentry on the wall is an officer except the sniper, and he is not old enough. One of the 30 students has the rank of lieutenant. I just talk to him.
"Brother, we also carry out orders. Your identity has been verified, but your motivation seems a little unreasonable." The lieutenant said and pulled out a cigarette and handed it to me. I quickly took it and lit it for me.
"A friend of mine is mentally ill and needs herbs blindly. We are here to collect herbs." I pointed to my long and dirty hair. "We have been walking for months."
"You know what? Go and have a rest first. When the person in charge comes, we’ll ask him for instructions and see what to do with you." The lieutenant spoke again.
"Company commander, my friend is still outside!" My finger is outside the wall
"Go first!" The lieutenant shouted at me. I put on my coat and the second lieutenant came over. "Come with me first."
I followed him to the wall and entered the courtyard. There was a straight 11 helicopter parked in the middle of the courtyard.
"You are lucky enough that Brother 3 didn’t put you down with that shot." The second lieutenant led me into the first room. "We are all eagles, so I won’t cuff you." It seems that the second lieutenant still has a little bit of affection for me.
"platoon leader, I have friends outside, I can’t delay here." My room should be their living room. There are six beds in all. Someone has a rest and sat up when he saw us coming in.
"6 who is he?" I was resting in my bed, and the soldiers rushed to bring me in, and the second lieutenant spoke. They called it by code, which was the rule of special forces when they were performing.
"Retired Black Hawk said he came to collect herbs." Lieutenant got up the kettle and poured me a cup of hot water. I quickly thanked him and held it up.
"jinan military area command Special Training Brigade?" Bed soldiers sat up in black vests.
I nodded with a wry smile. My black hawk image is really a little miserable. Not only is it not very good, but I haven’t dressed yet.
"platoon leader, can you let me out first? I’ll wait outside. I have friends outside." The appointment with King Kong Gun is coming, and I’m anxious.
"Absolutely not," the second lieutenant hurriedly shook his head. "There is a first-level combat readiness here, but something must wait until dawn."
"Why wait until dawn?" I asked anxiously, "Then I can’t come."
"Because the person in charge didn’t come …" "6 Don’t talk nonsense" The man who didn’t have a bed and wore a black vest interrupted the second lieutenant.
"I really can’t stay here with my friends. They are still waiting for me outside." I got up and prepared to go outside.
"Brother, don’t make it difficult for me." The second lieutenant stopped me. "I’ll discuss with the person in charge at dawn and see if I can send you out."
"What about my friend?" I looked anxiously at the wall clock when the horse arrived.
"Check your identity", the second lieutenant said simply, "You can go out with you if you don’t carry dangerous things."
"Then shall I go out and ask them to come in?" When I said this, it suddenly occurred to me that the weapons carried by the King Kong Gun and the weapons of the White Wolf are prohibited, and it is impossible for several colleagues here not to see that the gold bricks in the backpack of the King Kong Gun are also a problem. What can we do?
"No, you can’t go anywhere." Black vest rolled over the bed, grabbed my hand and handcuffed me to the bed.
"No," the second lieutenant tried to intercede for me.
"Watch your words and deeds." The black vest scolded the second lieutenant unceremoniously. "Chief, if I don’t go out, you will be in danger." I said urgently.
"Are you still carrying weapons?" The black vest looked at me keenly.

I’m sure he understands everything she doesn’t mean.

Jun Yang certainly understands, but it is because of this that he is both nai and pity.
What she means is that she doesn’t think she is perfect now and doesn’t want to marry him like this
But she doesn’t know that no matter what, she is the most beautiful in his eyes.
Actually, he didn’t propose to her on a whim. After talking with Qin Sheng last night, Jun Yang really understood the truest thoughts in Shen Qiqi’s heart.
She chose to leave him because she didn’t hurt him and the people around him.
She just studied hard to restrain herself so that she could return to him earlier.
Every decision she makes is for his sake.
Getting a wife is so demanding.
If getting married can make her feel more secure and not worry so much, then why doesn’t he do it?
"Believe me, my heart will not change no matter what you become." Jun Yang was pious and printed a kiss on her forehead, hoping to make her feel her mind.
"I believe you, but I can’t stand it. Are you white? I want to give you the best of yourself, not like this. "Thinking of your identity, Shen Qiqi is not a little lost and faint, and there is still some inferiority."
"Good depends on you" feel her mood become depressed Jun Yang love dearly not 177 Chapter 177 punish you to hug me up first.
At the same time, I secretly blame myself for not realizing this at this time and making Qiqi sad.
"Well, well, you can do whatever you want. Don’t think about it yet. Shouldn’t we go to breakfast at dawn?" Like a child, hug Shen Qiqi in your arms and gently shake Junyang to decide to eat to distract her.
Sure enough, when it comes to breakfast, Shen Qiqi touched it and protested for a long time. He said, "It’s all your fault for giving people such a big surprise in the early morning that I haven’t been able to eat yet."
"Yes, it’s all my fault. Will you punish me for feeding the Queen of July 7th for breakfast later?" Jun Yang a face of spoil should way
He seems to be able to make Shen Qiqi forget unpleasant things for a while and let him do whatever he wants.
Moreover, the condition spoiled her, and she felt very happy when she saw her face satisfied and smiled.
This is a fresh experience for you to finish.
When you face your lover, a lot of things will be self-taught, or this is the most natural reaction, because you are the one who loves you the most, no matter what you do, you don’t care about gains or losses, you don’t have to think about what will make her heart the best.
"Hum, of course, it’s not good." Shen Qiqi is arrogant. "You have to pick me up first."
"Yes, Queen" Jun Yang gave a princess a hug. "Is this the way to hug?"
Before Shen Qiqi could answer, he said to himself, "Or do you want to hug like this?"
This time it was a bear hug.
"No, no, no, that’s not it. Is that it?" After that, a baby hug
Shen Qiqi …
She just looked at Junyang in distress situation, playing tricks there, and it was called a language in her heart. When did the cold master get farther and farther away from her?
But why is it getting sweeter and sweeter in my heart? The constant warmth almost melts her.
Backhand around his neck and feet plate his waist Shen qi-qi queen posture full command "well, now the queen ordered the horse to eat breakfast".
"Yes, my queen" will hold Jun Yang firmly and hold her out of the room.
As soon as I came out, I found that Jun Si had been waiting outside for a long time. It was not him and Macey Eva Lingchen Su Yu Jersey even arrived at the Xiaojin line.
In the eyes of the public, Jun Yang held Shen Qiqi out like this, making a big blush and struggling to come from him.
Junyang won’t allow people to be held more tightly, depending on the people’s surprised eyes. The old god carried her to the table and put a chair next to him, so that he could enjoy breakfast.
Behind him was a scratching sound.
Shen Qiqi looked embarrassed at Jun Yang and looked at him, but he still hasn’t recovered. They couldn’t wait for a rift for her to get in.
While Shen Qiqi did not pay attention to Jun Yang’s immobile stare, the warning in everyone’s eyes was full of meaning.
"I remember that I haven’t finished my work yet, Miss Qiqi. Please eat slowly and I’ll go to work first." Jun Si, who has been with Jun Yang for the longest time, reacted first and quickly made an excuse to run away.
Young Master, that look in his eyes means that they are an eyesore, affecting Miss Qiqi’s eating. It’s even more time-consuming not to slip away at this time before young master gets angry.
To others, they are not less masters, and the less masters may not do anything with them, but what will they do with him? He sacrificed his life to forgive him, but he didn’t have the time to take care of others. Chapter 178 Two people travel.
Ling Chen, who is obedient to Jun Yang, is not afraid of him. Instead, he is eager to see his drama. At the moment, instead of walking, he pulls a chair and sits cheerfully. He also pulls a chair next to him to signal Su Yu to sit.
Su Yu obediently sat with a facial paralysis face, which made Shen Qiqi even more stressed.
Macey Eva saw that someone had already sat down, so naturally she wouldn’t be polite. She also pulled a chair to sit down and picked out her favorite food, so she was not polite to eat it.
I’m kidding. I came to pick up Shen Qiqi, but he got up early in the morning and hasn’t eaten anything yet. He can’t care so much if he does.
Jersey Jersey A simple teenager doesn’t know so many twists and turns. At this moment, I don’t feel so happy when I see Shen Qiqi’s illness. The root of it depends on Jun Yang’s eyes.
At that time, the dinner table became lively.
Shen Qiqi also forgot the embarrassing scene just now in this lively atmosphere.
After eating a meal, I didn’t see Qin Sheng figure. Shen Qiqi didn’t feel strange.
Seeing that she was puzzled, Jun Yang told her that Qin Sheng had already left after he came.
But why did you leave in such a hurry without telling her?